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Chapter 2: Cracks Beneath the Surface

The days following Jisoo's growing realization of his feelings for Taehyun passed uneventfully—or at least, they seemed that way to everyone else. On the surface, Jisoo remained the same: calm, composed, and the bright student that everyone admired. He still excelled in basketball, his grades were impeccable, and he maintained his air of quiet confidence. To his friends and teachers, he was the perfect model of stability.

But beneath that composed exterior, something was changing. His feelings for Taehyun—once easily ignored—had become harder to push aside. Each smile from Taehyun, each playful remark, each casual touch sent a ripple of confusion through Jisoo's mind. He found himself constantly torn between wanting to stay close to Taehyun and wanting to distance himself from him entirely, to protect himself from emotions he couldn't yet comprehend.

It wasn't until one afternoon, while they were playing basketball after school, that the tension inside Jisoo began to surface.

"Nice shot!" Taehyun cheered, tossing the ball back to Jisoo after he had scored yet another point. The court was nearly empty now, most of the other players having gone home. It was just the two of them, as it often was, with the sun setting behind them and casting long shadows on the pavement.

Jisoo caught the ball and turned to face Taehyun, his heart pounding—not from the exercise, but from the way Taehyun's eyes sparkled when he smiled, the way his messy hair caught the light, the way he seemed so effortlessly beautiful in every moment.

"You're on fire today," Taehyun continued, grinning as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "You've been practicing, haven't you?"

Jisoo shrugged, trying to keep his voice steady. "Just trying to keep up with you."

Taehyun laughed, a sound that echoed in the empty court, filling the silence between them. "Please, you're way better than me. I'm just lucky you're on my team most of the time."

Jisoo didn't respond immediately. He was too busy watching Taehyun, too caught up in the feeling that had been growing inside him for weeks now. It was more than admiration, more than friendship, but he couldn't bring himself to acknowledge it yet—not fully.

Taehyun, oblivious to the turmoil brewing inside his friend, jogged over to Jisoo's side and clapped him on the back. "Come on, let's call it a day. I'm starving."

Jisoo nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat as they began walking off the court together. Their steps fell into a familiar rhythm, the walk home feeling both comforting and suffocating all at once. Taehyun, as usual, was full of energy, recounting some funny story from class while Jisoo only half-listened, his mind elsewhere.

Later that night, Jisoo found himself lying awake in bed once again, his thoughts tangled and restless. He replayed the events of the day in his mind—Taehyun's laughter, his easy smiles, the way his heart had raced every time Taehyun looked at him. It was all too much.

He rolled over, burying his face in his pillow. Why couldn't he just be normal around Taehyun? Why couldn't he just push these feelings away and focus on what mattered—his studies, his future, their friendship?

But the more he tried to suppress his emotions, the more they seemed to consume him. He couldn't deny it any longer. He had feelings for Taehyun—real, undeniable feelings. The kind that went beyond friendship, the kind that made his heart ache and his mind race with thoughts he didn't know how to handle.

But what could he do about it? How could he ever tell Taehyun the truth? And worse, what if Taehyun didn't feel the same way?

The next day at school, Jisoo found himself avoiding Taehyun more than usual. He couldn't explain it—not to himself, and certainly not to anyone else—but every time he saw Taehyun's face, the confusion inside him grew stronger. He was scared—scared of what these feelings meant, scared of what might happen if Taehyun found out, scared of ruining the one thing that had always been constant in his life: their friendship.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyun asked one afternoon, his voice filled with concern. They were sitting in their usual spot outside after school, watching the other students pass by. Taehyun leaned closer, trying to catch Jisoo's eye. "You've been kind of distant lately. Did I do something?"

Jisoo froze. He hadn't realized how obvious his behavior had become, but of course, Taehyun had noticed. He always noticed.

"No," Jisoo said quickly, shaking his head. "It's nothing. I've just... had a lot on my mind."

Taehyun frowned, clearly not convinced. "You sure? You've barely talked to me all week."

Jisoo's chest tightened, guilt gnawing at him. He didn't want to hurt Taehyun, didn't want to push him away, but he didn't know how to deal with what he was feeling. He wasn't ready to confront it—not yet.

"I'm fine," Jisoo insisted, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Really."

Taehyun studied him for a moment, his brow furrowed in concern, but eventually, he nodded. "Okay... but if you ever want to talk, you know I'm here, right?"

Jisoo nodded, the weight of Taehyun's words pressing down on him. He wished he could tell him the truth, wished he could just be honest about what was going on inside him. But the fear of rejection, of losing Taehyun's friendship, kept him silent.

Over the next few weeks, the distance between them grew. Jisoo's inner conflict only worsened as time went on, and though he tried to act normal, it became harder and harder to maintain the façade. He found himself pulling away from Taehyun more and more, making excuses to avoid spending time with him, staying quiet during their usual conversations.

Taehyun, for his part, seemed confused but didn't push. He continued to be his usual playful self, trying to bring Jisoo out of his shell, but Jisoo's responses became shorter, more guarded. The warmth that had once defined their friendship was slowly fading, replaced by an unspoken tension that neither of them knew how to address.

One evening, as they walked home from school, the silence between them felt heavier than ever. Taehyun, sensing that something was wrong but not knowing what, tried once again to break through the wall that Jisoo had built around himself.

"Hey," Taehyun said softly, his voice unusually serious. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? We've been friends forever. Whatever's going on, we can figure it out together."

Jisoo's heart clenched at Taehyun's words. He wanted to say something—anything—but the words wouldn't come. He was trapped in his own fear, his own confusion, and he didn't know how to escape.

Instead, he just nodded, his throat tight with the weight of everything he couldn't say.

That night, as Jisoo lay awake in bed once again, he realized something: no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, his feelings for Taehyun weren't going away. They were only getting stronger, and the more he tried to distance himself, the more it hurt.

But he wasn't ready to confront those feelings. Not yet. Not when the risk of losing Taehyun was so high.

So, for now, he would keep pretending. He would keep smiling and laughing and pretending that everything was fine, even as the cracks in their friendship continued to grow.

And maybe, just maybe, one day he would find the courage to tell Taehyun the truth.

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