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Chapter 4: The Weight of Regret

The rumors about Taehyun spread like wildfire.

It started as whispers—quiet conversations in the hallways, giggles behind cupped hands. Then, it became more blatant. People in Taehyun's class would snicker when he walked by, whispering to each other, casting glances his way. It didn't take long for the entire school to hear the gossip.

Taehyun was "the boy with the crush on Minho."

In a school as rigid as theirs, with students still tightly bound by societal norms, it wasn't something easily overlooked. Worse, the rumors painted him as someone desperate, someone trying too hard to fit in, to gain attention. And when the cruelest of students began spreading the idea that Taehyun was "infecting" others with his "gayness," things took a dark turn.

Jisoo noticed it all. How could he not? But even as the rumors escalated and Taehyun's usually bubbly personality dulled, Jisoo didn't step in. His jealousy, his confusion, and his pride kept him rooted in place. He had already hurt Taehyun once with his harsh words. Facing him now—after everything—felt like a mountain too tall to climb.

Instead, Jisoo threw himself deeper into his responsibilities. As the school president, he had more than enough to keep him busy. The weight of leadership, of managing both the students and faculty, provided the perfect excuse to avoid Taehyun. He convinced himself that he was too busy to get involved, too focused on his future to worry about something as trivial as high school drama.

But the truth was, he didn't know how to fix things. His anger, jealousy, and pride had built walls around him. Taehyun, once so close, now felt distant, unreachable.

Meanwhile, Taehyun's world was crumbling.

He had always been resilient, able to brush off minor slights or teasing with his charm and wit. But this—this was different. It wasn't just teasing; it was cruel. The way people looked at him now, the whispers and rumors—they were suffocating. And what hurt the most was Jisoo's absence.

Taehyun had expected something from Jisoo—anything. A defense, an apology, a word of comfort. But all he got was silence.

He stopped trying to reach out. Stopped waiting for Jisoo after school. Stopped lingering near his classroom, hoping for even the briefest of interactions. If Jisoo didn't want him around, fine. He would handle this on his own.

But deep down, it hurt. It hurt more than anything he'd ever experienced. He had trusted Jisoo. And though he hadn't admitted it to himself yet, his feelings for Jisoo went beyond friendship. They always had.

Taehyun knew it now, as he lay in bed night after night, staring at the ceiling. He cared about Jisoo—more than he should. More than he ever let on. And Jisoo, with his coldness, his rejection, had broken his heart.

Days turned into weeks, and soon enough, the college entrance exams loomed over them all. Jisoo, of course, was prepared. He had always been the top student, balancing his academics with his responsibilities as school president. He knew where he was headed—his future was laid out in front of him like a perfectly paved road.

But Taehyun... Taehyun was falling apart.

The pressure of the exams, the weight of the rumors, and the lingering heartache from Jisoo's cruel words had taken their toll. He wasn't sleeping well. He wasn't eating. His grades, which had never been stellar to begin with, were slipping. Basketball, once a source of joy and escape for him, had lost its allure. He had dropped it, just like Jisoo had.

They used to share that—their love for basketball. It was something that had bonded them in middle school, something that had made Taehyun feel close to Jisoo. But now, even that connection felt severed.

One afternoon, just before the exams, Taehyun stood outside the school gates, leaning against the brick wall. He hadn't been able to focus in class, so he had left early, hoping the fresh air might clear his mind.

But nothing could lift the heavy weight in his chest.

He thought about the future—a future that seemed so uncertain now. He had no idea what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go. He was drifting, lost in the chaos of his own thoughts. And through it all, there was Jisoo, the one person who could have anchored him, who had chosen to stay silent instead.

As he stood there, staring down at the ground, a familiar figure approached. Taehyun looked up to see Minho walking toward him, his usual calm expression in place.

"You're not going home?" Minho asked, stopping next to him.

Taehyun shook his head. "Just... thinking."

Minho studied him for a moment, then leaned against the wall beside him. "You've been quiet lately. Is it because of the rumors?"

Taehyun didn't answer. He didn't need to. The rumors had been going on for weeks now, and everyone knew what they were about.

Minho sighed. "You know, people talk. They always will. But you don't have to let it get to you."

"It's not just that," Taehyun muttered. "It's... Jisoo."

At the mention of Jisoo's name, Minho raised an eyebrow. "Jisoo? What about him?"

Taehyun hesitated. He hadn't talked to anyone about how he felt—not even Minho, despite their growing friendship. But the weight of it all, the pain, the confusion... it was too much to carry on his own.

"He's been... distant," Taehyun finally said. "Ever since we started high school. I don't understand why."

Minho didn't respond right away, but when he did, his voice was soft, almost cautious. "Maybe he's just focused on his own stuff. You know how he is—always busy with something."

"Yeah," Taehyun said, his voice hollow. "But it's more than that. It's like... he doesn't care anymore."

Minho glanced at him, his eyes unreadable. "Maybe it's for the best. If he doesn't care, why should you?"

The words stung, even though Taehyun knew Minho was trying to help. He knew Minho was right, in a way. But letting go of Jisoo—of the friendship they once had, of the feelings he still couldn't quite shake—was easier said than done.

As the college entrance exams approached, Jisoo's focus remained razor-sharp. But in the quiet moments, when he was alone in his room, studying late into the night, the guilt crept in. He thought about Taehyun more than he wanted to admit. He thought about the hurt in his eyes, the way they had grown so distant, and the cruel words he had thrown at him.

He had pushed Taehyun away, and now... now he didn't know how to fix it.

But with the pressure of the exams looming, Jisoo told himself that it could wait. That once the exams were over, once things had settled down, he would find a way to make things right. He would talk to Taehyun, apologize, and maybe, just maybe, they could rebuild what they had lost.

But by then, it might already be too late.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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