ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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"GOT HER!" D-16 yelled as he tackled Elita one, who manage to back flip away before spun her legs to knock him off balance. Veda wince at that when she saw that coming." wait, wait, wait!" B-127 said tried to approached Elita one to calm her down but failed when Elita kneed him on the faceplate then kicked him away.

Veda wince once more as she covered her eyes not to look, but she took a peak through her fingers to see whats going on. "Elita stop!" Orion spoke up as he rush towards to her with arms stretch out to calm her down which Elita swung again at Orion, who duck away with both of his servos up. "Orion?!" Elita spoke as she stared at him" hold on, let me-" Elita punch him sending him falling to the ground.

Veda wince at that before yelling." ELITA STOP!" This cause Elita to stop and turn to her in shock and surprise making Veda realized what she did before gasping and covered her mouth." Uh. . . .oops??" she muttered as Elita blink her optics before glaring at Orion before turning away and run.


Elita rushed out of the train wagon, which the doors slammed shut before she could get out." ugh!" Elita one growl in annoyance before she began hammering her clench fist on the metal door. Veda look  anxious and concern when she heard a humming noise. She yelp when she felt the train move, causing her to lose balance before tumbling off the crater box, which she was tenderly rescued by Orion, who panicked when he saw her fall off. He let out a breathed of relief once he caught her in his servo.

"you okay Veda??" He asked her softly making Veda gave him a thumbs up and said," I'm good. . .thanks for the save." she said greatfully making Orion nodded before placing her gently on his shoulder plate." hold on." He murmured to her before chasing after Elita." Elita wait!" he called out as thef emme jumped onto a crate to another , rebounding off it and disappeared through the opening in the ceiling.

"aaaaaaaand she's out." Orion mumble as he and the other two began to climb up to follow Elita. Once they were out, Veda was tightly holding on to his shoulder plate as harsh winds blew her face, sending her hair flying around.

"Im gonna die. . . .im gonna die." Veda murmured nervously as she refused to look down cause if she did, she will panic. "why am i doing this? why am i doing this?" B-127 said in panic as he began climbing up as he follow Orion behind. "Climb faster!" D-16 yelled as he follow suit.

The chase continues on before the train went faster and go upright. Causing Veda to lose grip on Orion's shoulder plate." AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Veda screm in fear as she lost her grip anf began to slip off." VEDA!!" Orion yelled in horror as he reach out his servo to grabbed her but missed by an inch. Veda scream as she fall before she was grabbed by D-16 quickly." I GOTCHA! I gotcha." D-16 said as he brought her close to his chassis protectively. Veda cling on as she tremble in fear, eyes close tight as she hold on." NOW I KNOW WHY NOBODY COMES TO THE SURFACE!" D-16 yelled as he hold Veda close to his chassis." AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" B-127 screamed as he hold on tight on the bar.

Orion finally reach up and grabbed Elita's pede." GOTCHA!" He said making Elita turn and raise her clench fist ready to punch him but stop when she notice the surroundings. Veda was still have her eyes close tight as she refused to open them." is it. . .over??" Veda asked out nervously as she tremble." yeah. . . .you might wanna see this veda." D-16 told her as he looks around him in shock and in awe.

Veda did open her eyes, wincing a bit when the light harshly blinded her a bit before her eye sight adjust for a second. Once her eye sight was fully adjust, she gasp in awe as she saw the beautiful scenery around.

 Once her eye sight was fully adjust, she gasp in awe as she saw the beautiful scenery around

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