[revised and rewritten of human on autonomous world.]
When a human girl finished watching transformer one and went to bed. Only to be awaken not in her room but in a world of transformers. Join her journey as she venture in another world with advent...
a/n:please be noted that these scene is now from the movie. No longer copy write. . .thank you
"Im just having a good time. How much further is the matrix on the map? make an educated gesstimate. This is the coolest thing that has ever happened to anyone anywhere, im telling you!."
B-127 continued to ramble nonestop as the four bots and one human were on the journey to on pede to find the matrix. Veda was smiling and chuckle softly at the yellow mech none stop rambling as she look at the other three. She could see D-16 wanting to punch B-127 so bad right now, while Elita one tried to ignored the rumbling mech. Orion on the other hand just remain quiet as he follow after Elita.
"Not one, not two, not three, not four but five. Five best friends who are walking through the door." B-127 sang as he continued marching before he stop himself from singing. "there's no doors, we're outside." he added making Veda giggle softly while Orion look at her and smile softly before looking a head. Veda was smiling before noticing something was off. She felt. . .light not heavy. Confused she look at herself a bit to find the source before noticing something that surprise her. Her hand. . is turning. . . blue.
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She look shock as he hand is turning into ice. "what??" she asked as she stared with bewildered expression on her face. No way that her hand is turning like this like from the movie frozen, where Anna was struck on the heart and turning ice. She wasnt even struck on the heart.
Confused and scared as she is, she fumbled on her pockets a bit to find anything to hide her hand. She felt something before pulling out to reveal the gloves that look like the gloves that Elsa used to wear to conceal her power. 'Okay, sensing a deja vu here.' Thought Veda before putting it on to hide it. Once she did, she let out a relief sigh before she heard orion spoke." Veda? are you alright?? why are you wearing a some sort off. . . .a glove???" Orion asked her making her turn to look at him and smile.
"Oh! uh. . . l kinda like it? because it adds aesthetic style and i kinda like wearing gloves. Also i am fine." She said while smiling fakely to him. Orion stared at her, confused and also concern." are you sure??" he asked her again making her nodded. "definately sure." She said making Orion nodded slowly before looking away from her. Though he didnt believe her but he didnt question her even further.
"Look. . .there is more over here." Orion spoke up as he notice a thin looking metal like leaf blade as he reach out his servo to touch it. "what is it??" Elita asked as she turn off the hologram of the map as she look at the plant with curious expression on her faceplate." Its not. . . .metal." D-16 spoked as Veda look at it with curious on her face as she sit on Orion's shoulder plate.
"It's kinda weird. . . .nature. . .its weird." Orion replaied as he looks at them. Elita look ahead as she notice something." So are they." she said as she gestured a herd of techo organic creatures. Veda gasp in awe to see the herd of cyber-organic deers. "wow. Its. . . beautiful." Veda murmured out in awe which Orion heard her before smiling softly to her. Then he look back to the herd once more before all of them heard a rumble making them stop." what was that?" Elita asked in confusion as the one of the deer lifted it head up, light on their antern turn red.
Each of the lights on the deer's anterns turn red one by one as the four bots and one human stared in confusion. Orion look around before looking down as he notice dust being blown away by the wind as the metal grass been blown as well. "uh. . . ." Orion trailed off as all the herd of the deers began to run for it.
"I think this is not right. . .we should go." Orion said before taking a first run. " yeah, good idea." D-16 agreed with him as he follow after him. " Run!" Veda yelled out making Elita and B-127 run as well, following after D-16 and Orion. Veda hold on tight on Orion's shoulder plate.
"what are we running from?!" B-127 asked in confusion as the four bots continued to run, heading towards to the abandon building structure ahead of them. The four bots continued to run before hiding behind the broken building on their back strut. Everyone is breathing heavily as Veda hold on on Orion's shoulder plate, carefully not to fall off.
And with that, eveyone look up at the sky before a very large ship appeared, passing by. "what is that??" D-16 asked as Veda stared at the ship above in horror and recognition on her eyes." oh no. . . " she mumble out softly as Orion frown." It's quintesson ship." Orion spoke making the three bots look surprise." what??" Elita asked in shock and disbelief.
"what do we do? what do we do??" asked B-127 nervously as Veda shush them." Shush. . .quiet." she whispered making the four bots stay quiet. Then one of the herd of the deers came running from the side making the four bots and one human look at it before they all gasp when a laser beam shut down, killing the deer. Veda hold back her scream making Orion raise his servo up, sheilding her protectively.
Then red beam shut down, going wider and wider as it create a layers and began scanning." it's scanning for life-forms." Orion said with a frown on his faceplate." No shit sherlock! We're fucking lifeforms! I suggested we should move! now!" She hissed making the four bots quickly move.
The four bots continued running before hiding again when another red bean laser scanning around. Once it gone, the four began to move. Veda hold on as she rather not to fall off Orion's shoulder plates as he began to move. "go, go, go, go!" Orion urged them making D-16 and Elita run first as Orion and B-127 follow after them.
Elita and D-16 finally made it to the hiding before looking back." come on!" elita urged them to hurry, but it was too late. Orion quickly stop and hold B-127 so he would not fall off. Both the two mech are trying to balance themselves. However, Veda yelp as she slip off and slide off Orion's Shoulder plate." VEDA!" Orion and D-16 yelled in worried as Veda yelp and fall onto the hole. She pant before backing up when the red beam was shot through the hole. She held her breath as she waited for the light to disappeared.
Once it did, she let out a relief before slowly headed towards to the hole, taking her peak as she stared up the sky, seeing the quintesson ship finished scanning before going up, disappearing through the clouds.
She let out a relief breath before yelping in surprise when blue servo plucked her out of the hold." Veda! thank primus your alright!" Orion said in relief as he hold the human close to his chest plate before lifting his servo up to see her up close to his faceplate." are you hurt? any injuries? any broken? did you hit your head?!" Orion asked as he moving her around, making Veda look dizzy as she was shook around.
"Orion! calm down you worried warth. . .she is fine. . .stop doung that. . .your making her feel dizzy lover mech." D-16 teased Orion with a smirk on his faceplate which made Orion froze before blushing a bit as he cleared his pipes. Veda shook her head to get rid of her dizziness before she was gently place on orion's shoulder plate gently.
"what. . .what were they searching for??" B-127 asked as everyone look up at the sky." Someone to hug b." D-16 retorted." How should i know?!."
"i am not waiting around to find out." Orion said before everyone flinch when they heard a soft and echoing boom as Elita activate the hologram map once more. "this way. . .were close." Elita said as she lead a head making the others follow.
"quintessons haven't been here for 50 cycles." Orion spoke with a hint of confusion and concern on his voice. "it doesnt make sense. . .there's nothing out here." Elita spoke up with the same tune as Orion. Veda hold on to Orion's shoulder plate as they are getting closer.