Chapter 4

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This chest is heavy

Turtle is lugging a heavy chest filled with Anemone's stuff.

I wonder how long i would survive in a place full of dangerous dragons

He only wanted to escape his boring life. To get mother's attention. So far, it isn't working.


Jade mountain came into view. Turtle thought of some cool stories that could take place in somewhere quite as dramatic.

He shook himself. No more story writing after what had happened.

Broken egg shells filled his mind.

" Anemone!" A voice snapped him out of his awful thoughts.

He lands by the mountain and sees a dragonet looking like his mother hugging Anemone.

Ah, thats Tsunami

She starts talking about his brothers and seems very surprised at the number of them.

He surveys his surroundings and sees a pericular nightwing sitting with her mother giving him the weirdest look.

He wrinkles his snout im a kind of this is ridiculous way, but then darkness crashes into him.

He looks to see a VERY nervous Nightwing.

" H-hi, um, im sorry, Tur- I mean, seawing. Im just so nervous , you know? "

You think?

She looks around, sees the nightwing under the tree, witch looks like she is in another world, and flew off.

He goes into the mountain.

And then yet again he sees another Nightwing.

"Hi! Im Fatespeaker, who are you?"


"Oh! I foresee that you will be late to your classes often"

Turtle is used to the slow jokes, so her just gives her a Not funny look.

"Anyways! You are in Jade winglet, your cave is the 4th one to the right"

He makes his way in and finds the right cave.

He looks in too see a jittery Mudwing

He opens his mouth to sy something, but Turtle croaks out " Not now..... Too tired..." and flops into the bed.

The Mudwing gives a chuckle and says, " I think I might like this school"

Turtle smiles and fiddles with his bracelet, only to notice one of the rocks missing.

I have a good suspicion on where that might be...



I'm so happyyyyy!!!

Next POV would be Kinkajou or Qibli


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