Ventor class destroyer flying through lightspeed towards paldea region in pokemon original. Inside command deck with captain saberwing, claw, may, captain airi, and Theo magath gathering around in holotable.
Claw: "we need catering at McDuck mansion on Saturday night."
Captain saberwing: "what about agent loud father from her universe, he's owner of Lynn table in Royal Woods. He and staffs doing catering."
May: "sounds good to us, captain."
Claw: "we need entertainment like performance for everyone can join."
Captain airi: "about kyoka jiro, she really awesome playing on guitar back at u.a. high school in her original universe though."
May: "sure, we should ask her when arrived at paldea region because she helping with tusky husky and hak foo at uva academy."
Captain saberwing: "yeah, she can team up with DJ-daft duck as double performance."
They look at her with curious expressions on their faces after hearing about kyoka team up with DJ-daft duck as double performance at the mansion on Saturday when captain airi ask her question, "did you talk with Dewey after we left at Vermillion city about doing performance with Kyoka." She replied, "yeah, hehehe." May replied, "why not." They agree with her about having Dewey duck doing performance with Kyoka jiro on Saturday night in McDuck mansion
Pokemon original universe on Thursday July 16th in mesagoza city, paldea region around 9:15 am
Uva academy in entrance hall at first floor with mikasa talking to her friends at left side of libery when Jedi Master Salvatore walk up to them and said to mikasa in kindness, "ms. Ackerman I sensed world champion claw will be coming to medlia city around 10:15 am to move in with may and Pikachu." Mikasa smile to hear about claw coming here as new home that he promise her to have another pokemon battle after leon become world champion and said to him in polite, "thank you so much for telling me that Mr. Salvatore."
Uva academy female student #1: "what kind of Pokemon battle to face claw, mikasa?"
Mikasa: "four on four Pokemon battle."
Uva academy male student #1: "noice, who's going to be the ref."
Mr. Salvatore: "don't worry I'll find someone to be ref for that match."
[New chapter is out for today]
admired to kill: two reformed goons vol. 2: new life at paldea region
Actionclaw defeat leon to become new pokemon world champion and now the love birds started to new life at medali city, paldea region on pokemon original universe and going to other universes with new allies to face against new type of wild Tera pokemon, T...