nyooooooo! my rank lowered in kewl T-T pls read and vote PLSSSSSS I PROMISE I'LL MAKE MORE CHAPTERSSSS (i might be able to post my art tooooooo, sorry if it seems like i'm begging, i just have social anxiety, pookies, also it'd be nice to hear ur, my readers comments, i meant read, i can't hear you from across the screen, sadly)
next morning you find yourself in a place unknown to yourself, though it was obviously a place away from shay and america..
though america at home started to knock on your bedroom door of course not knowing it's empty, either way he got annoyed that he didn't get a response and opened to door to see you not there
america: y/n?
america could see the broken glass from the window smashed on the floor and and the unmade messy bed, on the floor there was a sign the sign for ussr?
amercia:no....it can't be...
hahahahahahhahahahaha, that's what happens when you lie kiddos!
america lied about the whole broken portal thing, it actually wasn't broken, he just was on earth just a check in on it but then got caught by y/n and came up with "the portal is broken" so she wouldn't get too curious and try to look for the portal
ame quickly left the house running into the forest til he found a tree with a certain mark on it representing countryhumans, what seemed like him walking through the tree, he really just walked through a portal, which is invisible to the human eye,
UK noticed him walk out of the portal and quickly ran over to him in a rush and worry
UK: a communist! escaped! through the portal!
he said it with lack of breath and words as his hand was on his shoulder for support of literally the action to stand
ame: that explains a bit more, anyways, it's USSR, am I right?
UK: damn right it is! you should've been here, i'm disappointed
ame: shut up, dad
UK rolls his eyes and ame runs off to japan's house knowing she's pretty good at investigating and other stuff only because she watches a lot of drama shows and documentaries. He knocks on her door
ame: japan, you there?
she opens the door
japan: have you heard?
ame: that somehow USSR escaped and ran off somewhere? yes
japan: and i'm guessing you've come here to ask for help
ame: that indeed
i'm so so so so sorry but i wanna stop here for this chpter cause I wanna make a new one while also trying to do other stuff, i do have more coming this week! a lot this week! so please read cause i'm free to post new chapters for ya guys! (pls comment, i wanna know your thoughts!)

fandoms and reality
Fanfiction(i don't know why i'm doing this ;-;) okay so this book is about you/(y/n) and the countryhumans fandom, (y/n) have been getting into the CH fandom alot and (y/n) may have read a few fanfics, (me not knowing how to say this without spoilers) and you...