Episode 15: Edward's Heat Day 2

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Third Person Narration:

The second day of Edward's heat was much more intense than the previous one, now it was not enough to go to the house of his cousin, the traitor Sophia, it was not enough to fuck her mouth hard, he could not release himself even inside her ass since his wolf cheered his omega but because Edward did not want to do it with Charlotte ... yes they were right he was terrified he was afraid of hurting her again like he did before he did not want to hurt her or make her go through uncomfortable moments knowing his wolf how wild he gets on the days of heat he was afraid of hurting his Mate, his omega that is why he stopped going to Sophia he was afraid that she would use his weakness, the fear of hurting Charlotte against him so he decided to talk to Charlotte and confess what he did and the reason why he did it although she may hate him for being a little unfaithful but it is better to talk about it than to hide it and for Charlotte to find out from others could be much worse than finding out from himself.

" Charlotte, can we talk? " - said Edward - " I need to tell you something important "

" I know you were unfaithful to me Edward "

" Did Sophia tell you? "

" Are you stupid? That bitch didn't tell me that, I... "

" Did you see me? "

" No fool "

" So "

" You forgot that I am a vampire and that my vampire ability is that I can read your mind, your thoughts gave you away Edward ."

" Forgive me, I didn't mean to be unfaithful to you. I... I was afraid, I was in heat. I'm still in heat. I'm fighting everything I can to stop myself from jumping on you right now, love. I'm afraid of hurting you like I did last time. And knowing Kiro, he goes wild when he takes control. I'm afraid of hurting you. I promised your father to take care of you. I don't want to be the one to hurt you ."

" I understand your concern Edward, but it's not necessary... let me help you, I can make you feel good, keep you company, fill you with kisses and caresses with my aroma, you don't necessarily have to fuck to get through a heat together Ed "

"yo no se si pueda sobrellevarlo sin follar Kiro esta loquísimo por entrar en ti nuevamente y me exige que vuelva a marcarte, yo no quiero que todo esto sea precipitado quiero que pase a su debido tiempo cuando vos estés lista pero Kiro es algo impaciente y se que cuando el logre tomar el control de mi lo haría te marcaría como suya nuevamente y te fallaría a mas no poder el se torna algo salvaje cuando toma el control pero cuando lo toma estando en celo es mucho peor no quiero lastimarte amor" - le dijo Edward - "Me aterra la idea que te pase algo y que yo sea el responsable de ello"

Edward realmente le preocupaba lastimar a su novia aunque ella confiaba en que el no la lastimaría de nuevo el se encerró en un caparazón seguía reviviendo en su mente el momento en el que él fue responsable de la perdida de su cachorro.

"Amor, confió en vos, te amo Edward por favor no me apartes de un momento especial contigo" - dijo Charlotte-

"Lo se, pero no quiero lastimarte, aun no me saco de la cabeza ese día que por mi culpa y mi ..." - intento decir el pero las palabras se le atascaron en su garganta formando un nudo el cual vino con algunas lágrimas de desesperación- "Por mi culpa tu perdiste tu embarazo, nuestro cachorrito yo por mi terquedad por ser tan posesivo contigo te herí te hice sufrir algo que no merecías sufrir Charlotte no quiero que sufras por culpa mía yo realmente te amo pero si estoy te hace sentir dolor no se que hacer tengo miedo de dañarte"

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