Episode 2

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As I walked home I kept thinking about what Anna had told me.

" With the face you have it seems that you like him, but you don't want to admit it " - that simple sentence kept bombarding my mind because the students of this place are so strange and mysterious. Edward and Matt being werewolves doesn't surprise me, but I had never heard of Gargoyles, what they are like when they transform. Do they turn into stones with wings like they show in the movies?

My house was quite far away and it was tedious to walk alone and even more so when Anna's parents are hunters of supernatural creatures. What will they do with them, kill them, or do experiments on them? I remember that Father Artemis did countless experiments to find a way of life, to give life to his monstrous creations. In his time I wanted to be like him and I wanted to do the same experiments that he did, but that was when I was younger. Now that I know what Father Artemis tries to do, it gives me the creeps.

" Hey, you're the new girl, Edward's girlfriend " - I heard someone say from behind me, I turned around and saw that it was the girl who had called me a slut in her mind -

" I'm not anyone's girlfriend " - I said -

" I know, I've never seen a girl reject Edward and it's surprising, I don't like the idea of ​​him being after you, but I think you're a pretty girl! Can I ask you a favor? " - she said -

" What kind of favor? " I asked.

" I'm not interested in Edward, I like Matt, could you get away from him? " she said.

" I'm going to be honest, I actually do like Edward, it's just that I just met him and I'm not sure, and I don't see Matt that way, I'm Charlotte and you? " - I said -

" I'm Laura, wait if you like Edward, and why did you reject him? " - she said -

" If I were you I would have done the same thing I guess, do you think I would become the girlfriend of someone I just met a day ago ?" I said. " I need to get to know him better before jumping into dating, although they told me he just wants sex and nothing else ?" I said with my head down.

" Who told you that? Edward is not like that! " - she claimed -

" Anna "

" Anna? She's Edward's cousin, she's always protective of him. Maybe you didn't make a very good impression on her and she's trying to get you away from him ." - he said - " I think she's just making sure you're trustworthy. "

" You know they are... "

"Hombres lobo y Anna una Gárgola? si lo se" - dijo ella interrumpiéndome - "La escuela es una escuela especial para todo tipo de criaturas, sobrenaturales, yo soy una bruja no se como hacer las cosas de brujas simplemente sangre de brujas corren por mis venas, Anna es adoptada sus padres la dieron en adopción cuando ella tenias como 5 años, su padre era una Gárgola y su madre Loba genero las características de su padre pero en ocasiones tiene de su madre" - dijo -

"Los padres de Anna..." - dije -

"Son cazadores, si, Anna es nuestra veladora siempre nos avisa cuando ellos estarán rondando las zonas concurridas por todos los seres y así es que evitamos toparnos con ellos" - dijo Laura -

"No crees que es peligroso para ella? y si ellos comienzan a sospechar? le podrían hacer algo malo a ella"

"Mmm, ahora que lo dices, tienes razon ella esta arriesgando su vida por nosotros y es peligroso" - dijo ella - "quieres venir?"

"no creo que sea una buena idea, hoy es mis cumpleaños #18 y se desbloqueara completamente mis instintos de vampira no quiero hacerle daño a nadie" - dije -

"Como es eso?" - dijo Laura -

"Pues que sere Vampira al 100 por ciento y no mitad humana y mitad vampira" - le aclaré -

"No creo que sea un problema, los vampiros no toman sangre de otros seres o criaturas sobrenaturales!" - dijo ella -

"Mi padre toma de todo, y la ultima vez que lo vi alimentándose, mató a un centauro se llamaba Oliver era mi mejor amigo y mi padre lo hizo su cena, me usaba a mi para atraer a sus presas y creo que aun lo sigue haciendo" - dije -

"Tu amor por Edward puede que sea la clave para todo y para frenar tus instintos" - dijo ella mientras giraba en una esquinita - "Esa es mi casa te veo mañana en la escuela entonces! Bye"

La vi adentrarse a lo que ella dijo que es su casa y después de eso me fui a la mía. entre sigilosamente ya que era algo tarde pero que si toda la culpa la tiene mi padre.

"Porque llegas tan tarde?" - oi a mi padre decir -

"Irónico, si hubieras pasado por mi y no pusieras primero tu hambre hubiera llegado temprano" - dije enojada - "Sabes lo largo que es el camino, y vienes y me reclamas no tengo ruedas en los zapatos papa para llegar a lo flash y no pienso usar mis habilidades de vampira."

" And are you going to start fighting? You two calm down " - my mother said - By the way, honey, how was school ?"

" It's not a normal school " - I said -

" What do you mean it's not a normal school? " - my father said and I knew that his anger was increasing more and more -

I saw him and he was frowning very seriously and he looked very angry, anyone who saw him would say that he is not my father because it is obvious that he is not biologically but even so he raised me with my mother but sometimes I think that he has never loved me as a daughter despite that having been his lifelong dream to be able to have children after the years have passed he has stopped seeing me as a daughter and I suppose that he would be reconsidering the first option that Father Artemis had mentioned to him, about the potion but it is too late and now he has a half human and half vampire daughter.

Between Werevolves, vamparies and Gargoyles (English version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora