Chapter 2: A Helping Hand

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  •The next morning, Crown Heights College buzzed with whispers as Ethan Walker strolled through the hallways. Despite his reputation, he wore a laid-back, almost unfazed expression, his gray button-up shirt untucked over blue jeans and white sneakers. Everyone made way for him as he walked—part out of respect, part out of fear. His mere presence demanded attention, and this morning, the tension was especially thick.

As he neared the end of the hall to his locker, a familiar figure blocked his path. Chase Reynolds, the college's top jock and yesterday’s opponent, stood with his usual cocky expression, flanked by his two muscle-bound goons, Ryan and Marcus. Both wore matching smirks, fists already clenched, itching for round two.

“Walker,” Chase sneered, arms crossed, looking Ethan up and down. “Thought I’d give you a proper welcome after yesterday’s stunt. Didn’t think you’d come back so soon, especially after that beating.”

Ethan rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in mock amusement. “You call that a beating, Chase? Must be why they call you ‘top jock,’ huh? Only one taking hits to the head is you.”

Chase’s eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. “Think you’re a tough guy, huh? Let’s see how tough you are outnumbered.”

Ryan and Marcus closed in. The crowded hall buzzed with excitement, students inching closer to get a good look. Ryan threw the first punch, landing a hard jab to Ethan’s side. Ethan stumbled but kept his footing, dodging Marcus’s swing and delivering a sharp elbow into his ribs. Before he could catch his breath, Chase slammed into him, shoving him back against the lockers.

“Gotta admit, Walker, you’ve got guts.” Chase taunted, his voice low and taunting.

Ethan gritted his teeth, launching himself forward. He managed to throw a punch at Chase’s jaw, but the numbers were against him. They shoved and threw punches, with Ethan somehow managing to hold his own, a mixture of adrenaline and sheer determination fueling him.

“Enough!” A sharp, authoritative voice cut through the chaos.

The crowd parted as Maria Parker, the class president, strode forward. She was a striking sight against the chaotic backdrop. Tall and poised, she carried herself with a confident authority that matched her role as class president. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, allowing her sharp, intelligent gaze to land unflinchingly on each of the fighters. Beneath her composed expression, there was a fierceness in her hazel eyes, a quiet power that commanded respect. Dressed in a fitted blazer over a simple blouse and jeans, she looked effortlessly put-together, radiating both determination and an undeniable sense of control.

She didn’t look happy. Her expression was one of cool fury, her sharp gaze locked onto the group of fighters.

“Principal’s office, all of you. Now,” she ordered, her tone brooking no argument. Chase, Ryan, and Marcus exchanged glances but slowly released Ethan, reluctantly following Maria’s lead.

In the principal’s office, Chase and his goons entered first, heads hanging low. They emerged minutes later, shooting glares at Ethan before stalking off in silence. Ethan stepped in as they left, meeting Principal Harris’s weary expression.

The principal let out a sigh, clearly irritated, rubbing his temples. “Walker. Damn it, can you go one day without getting into trouble?”

Ethan shrugged, unfazed. “Wasn’t looking for it, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I don't even fucking care anymore,” Harris interrupted, holding up a hand. “I told you yesterday to figure out a way to help this college, not add to its problems. Have you made any progress, or am I wasting my time with you?”

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