Chapter 4

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Sure! Here's the English version of your scene:

The night air was cold as Engfa, Patcha, and Charlotte arrived at the old warehouse where the latest theft had occurred. Even though it was late, they had no choice but to press on—especially since the suspect had escaped and might return to retrieve any left-behind evidence. The surroundings were eerily quiet, and Engfa couldn't shake off the strange weight of the situation.

"Something feels off," Patcha whispered, scanning the area. "No guards at all?"

"They probably know we're coming," Charlotte said as she adjusted her gloves. She glanced at Engfa, and though Engfa didn't look back, both of them were clearly on edge.

Engfa took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, let's split up. Patcha, check the back. Charlotte, you're with me."

Without complaint, Charlotte followed. Patcha hurried toward the rear entrance while Engfa and Charlotte moved into the front. As they entered, the smell of dampness and mold hit them. The dim lights from broken bulbs cast an eerie glow over the warehouse interior.

"You sure you're good?" Engfa asked, her eyes sweeping the area, hand hovering near her gun, ready for anything.

"Yeah. Just focus," Charlotte replied, calm but clearly alert to every movement.

Inside, the warehouse was a mess—open crates scattered everywhere, as if someone had rummaged through them in a hurry. It was obvious the thieves had been searching for something specific but hadn't managed to find everything they wanted.

"There's a pattern here," Charlotte said, kneeling beside an open crate. "They're targeting specific items."

"What do you mean?" Engfa asked, moving closer to see what Charlotte was pointing at.

"Look." Charlotte gestured toward the contents—high-end electronics, clearly custom-made. "These aren't just common gadgets. They knew exactly what they needed."

Engfa frowned, trying to piece it together. "Maybe they had a buyer placing orders. But who could it be?"

The two continued inspecting the area in silence, sorting through the evidence left behind. As they made their way to the back of the warehouse, a faint rustling noise from above made both of them freeze.

"Did you hear that?" Charlotte whispered, her body tensing.

Engfa nodded and drew her gun. "Stay close."

They ascended the metal staircase leading to the second floor, each step slow and deliberate. At the top, they saw a door slightly ajar. Engfa approached cautiously, ready to fire at any sign of trouble.

When she pushed the door open, they found a man frantically shoving items into a metal cabinet. He looked up, startled, and bolted toward a nearby window.

"Stop!" Engfa shouted as she sprinted after him.

Charlotte stayed back, pulling out her phone to call for backup. "Suspect's on the move!" she reported while keeping her eyes on Engfa.

Engfa chased the man down the narrow hallway, and when he realized he was cornered, he pulled out a knife and lunged at her. There was no time to hesitate—Engfa met him head-on, trying to disarm him as they struggled on the ground. She felt the cold edge of the blade graze her arm, but she ignored it, focused entirely on stopping him.

"Eng, be careful!" Charlotte shouted as she rushed forward to help.

With a sharp kick, Engfa knocked the knife out of the man's hand and quickly cuffed him, breathing heavily as she hauled him to his feet.

"You're not going anywhere," Engfa muttered, trying to steady herself as the adrenaline pulsed through her.

With the suspect restrained, they made their way back to Patcha, who was now standing beside a delivery truck parked near the rear of the warehouse. It looked like it had been hastily loaded.

"Guys, check this out," Patcha said, motioning to the truck. "Looks like this is where they were stashing the stolen goods."

They inspected the truck's cargo, finding boxes filled with expensive electronic devices and gadgets. But the biggest surprise was the high-tech monitoring system installed in the truck's back compartment.

Charlotte examined it closely. "This is advanced surveillance tech—something only professionals would use."

Engfa frowned in confusion. "Why would they have something like this? And who's funding them?"

"Could be a bigger group behind this," Patcha said, flipping through a stack of documents she found inside the truck.

Before they could discuss further, the sound of an engine revving outside grabbed their attention.

"Backup?" Charlotte asked, hoping their reinforcements had arrived.

Engfa peered through the window and cursed under her breath. A large van was speeding toward them—and it was packed with armed men.

"Trouble incoming!" Engfa shouted, yanking Charlotte toward cover. Patcha quickly drew her gun and took shelter behind a stack of crates.

There was no time to find better cover. The van's doors burst open, and three men armed with rifles jumped out.

"Get down!" Engfa yelled, firing her gun to force the attackers to retreat.

Patcha joined her, firing in sync, while Charlotte relayed their situation to headquarters, requesting immediate backup.

"They're making a run for it with the truck!" Patcha yelled as she saw the delivery truck start to pull away.

Engfa clenched her jaw. "We can't let them escape!"

Without hesitation, she bolted out of the warehouse, chasing after the truck. Patcha hopped onto their motorcycle, revving it to life.

"Charlotte, stay here and wait for backup!" Engfa ordered as she climbed onto the bike with Patcha.

Before Charlotte could respond, Engfa saw the worry etched across her face.

"Be careful, Eng," Charlotte whispered, her voice soft but filled with concern.

Engfa gave her a brief, reassuring nod before Patcha gunned the engine, and the two sped off into the night.

A/N: Please vote for my story!

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