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The crisp air bit at your skin as you stepped out of the castle's heavy doors, the quiet of the Hogwarts grounds embracing you like a shroud. You were in your seventh year, the weight of impending N.E.W.T.s pressing down on you like a stone. The stress of exams had been relentless, keeping you awake long into the night, and you found it impossible to concentrate on your studies. A late-night stroll through the gardens felt like a welcome reprieve from the pressure that suffocated you, a chance to clear your mind and gather your thoughts before the final onslaught of assessments.

As you wandered deeper into the night, the shimmering dragon fountain caught your eye, its water glistening like stars falling from the sky. The sound of the gentle trickle was a soothing balm to your frayed nerves, mingling with the soft whispers of the wind. The flickering lanterns flanking the courtyard offered just enough light to guide your way back toward the castle, their warm glow contrasting with the chill that seeped into your bones.

With a quiet resolve, you turned away from the fountain and made your way back through the castle's grand entrance, the familiar stone walls standing tall and imposing around you. Each step echoed softly on the rock floor, the sound of your heels clapping against the stones breaking the silence of the night. You whispered, "Lumos," and the wand in your hand burst to life, casting a soft glow that illuminated the path ahead, shadows flickering away from your presence.

As you ascended the winding staircases, the feeling of solitude wrapped around you. But just as you began to relax, a deep voice shattered the stillness, causing your heart to leap into your throat.

"What do you think you are doing?"

The voice reverberated through the hall, rich and commanding. It was Professor Severus Snape, his towering figure emerging from the shadows, illuminated only by the pale light of your wand. He stood there like an ancient carving, his presence stoic and forbidding, yet there was something in the air that crackled with tension.

You swallowed hard, suddenly aware of the way your breath quickened and your pulse raced at the sight of him. His dark robes flowed around him like smoke, and the sharp angles of his face were accentuated in the dim light, giving him an almost ethereal quality. He stepped closer, his presence looming, and the distance between you felt electric, a charged space filled with unspoken words.

"I think I asked you a question, Miss Y/L/N," he said again, his voice low, laced with an authority that sent shivers down your spine.

His eyes, dark and penetrating, locked onto yours, holding you captive in their depths. You felt your breath hitch, the air around you thickening with the weight of his gaze. The castle seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this suspended moment, where time felt both fleeting and eternal.

"Just...taking a walk, Professor," you managed to reply, your voice barely above a whisper, laced with a nervous edge.

Snape's brow arched slightly, a hint of skepticism flickering across his face. "At this hour? Surely you should be preparing for your exams instead of wandering the halls." His tone was scolding, but there was a softness beneath it, a hint of curiosity that ignited a flicker of hope within you.

You took a step closer, emboldened by the darkness around you. "I needed to clear my mind," you said, meeting his gaze with newfound determination. The glow of your wand seemed to shrink, dimming in comparison to the heat that surged between you.

His eyes flicked down to your lips for the briefest moment, and you felt your heart race again, an unfamiliar flutter igniting in your chest. "And do you believe that wandering these halls alone will achieve that?" he asked, his voice dropping lower, almost conspiratorial.

In that moment, the air was thick with unspoken desires, each word hanging between you like a spell. The world outside faded, and all that existed was the intoxicating tension that wrapped around you, pulling you deeper into a whirlwind of possibilities.

Entwined in Shadows I Severus Snape x Reader Smut short storyWhere stories live. Discover now