Chapter 7

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I stood by the school gates after the bell rang, and for some reason, my feet had declared war on walking. Like, they just weren't having it. Nope. Today was not a moving day. My legs were glued down by some invisible force, staging a protest I definitely didn't authorise.

Around me, everyone else was swirling around like confetti in a blender—teenage drama, gossips, and zeros cares in the world. And there I was, starring in my own personal silent movie. Cue the dramatic close-ups, maybe throw in a slow-motion hair flip for flair.

I'd seen Silvia earlier in the cafeteria, pulling off her twin act like she'd been born to it. Seriously, she was on fire. But she was also throwing off some major sad-girl vibes. I swear, I could hear her brain belting out an opera of stress.

Of course, 'Silus' couldn't exactly come up to me without raising suspicions taller than the school flagpole. Watching her strut out of the cafeteria alone hit me harder than a mystery meat surprise—deeply unsettling, with an aftertaste of "what the heck just happened?"

The rest of the day had been a total Silvia-free zone. It was like like I'd lost my partner-in-crime, leaving me with nothing but an empty lunch tray and a half-eaten pickle. And let me tell you, that pickle wasn't exactly brimming with conversation. Honestly, if it had started talking, I probably wouldn't have blinked. My day was that weird.

With a heavy sigh, I finally lifted my foot, ready to make my grand escape from this school. Just as I was about to step out, someone called my name like they were chasing after a runaway chicken.

I turned around, one foot hanging mid-air like some half-hearted ballerina. And who was marching straight towards me? None other than Principal Cronin himself, looking like he was leading a parade of seriousness in my direction. His face was so stern, I honestly couldn't tell if I was about to get the lecture of a lifetime or if he needed me to help solve his Rubik's Cube. Personally, I was banking on the lecture because if it came down to puzzle-solving, I'd just arrange the colours into 'abstract frustration'.

I slammed my foot back down, trying to act like I totally had my life together. Spoiler alert: I absolutely did not. Now I was just standing there, awkward as ever, waiting for whatever bombshell the big cheese was about to drop on me.

"Good morning, Sir," I greeted with all the confidence of someone who'd just realised they were in the wrong time zone.

He didn't even acknowledge my confusion of time. Nope, straight to business. "Are you friends with Silus?" His serious face made the question ten times more ridiculous, and I had to fight the urge to laugh out loud.

I blinked. Was this real life? Was I actually being interrogated about Silus by the most world's most deadpan principal? It felt like I was being grilled by a detective who was secretly moonlighting as a clown.

I waved it off, hoping to put this weird conversation to bed. "No way, Sir. Silus and I are about as compatible as toothpaste and orange juice."

He nodded so slowly, it was like watching a statue come to life. Seriously, his face was so blank, I started wondering if he was just made of stone. "Very well. If you happen to witness any...unusual events involving Silus, please inform me immediately."

I had to bite my tongue to stop from bursting out laughing. "Will do, Sir," I said, nodding like this was the most normal conversation ever. "Well, I better head home now. See you on the flip side, Sir."

I literally ran out of there, and the second I was out of his sight, I let out the biggest sigh of relief. Dodging Cronin's interrogation felt like I'd just escaped a high-speed car chase.

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