1. 𝑭𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑽𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔

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My name is Nora Allendale. I have never been one for crowds or noise. Throughout my childhood, I sought solace in solitude, preferring the quietude of my own thoughts to the chaotic clamor of bustling environments. Today, however, on graduation day, I find myself adrift in a sea of bodies, my senses overwhelmed by the cacophony echoing from the corridor. The incessant chatter and raucous laughter drown my faculties. I feel trapped, suffocated by the chaos, as though I might tear my ears off just to escape.

Amidst the turmoil, I spot Izumi, my only friend-the singular lifeline I have clung to during this whirlwind of lectures and late-night study sessions. I wave her over, yearning for a moment of clarity amidst the madness. She finally stumbles toward me, breathless and disheveled, as if she has just sprinted a marathon.

"What the hell took you so long, Izumi? I've been here forever!" My irritation simmers just beneath the surface. Her insistence on my early arrival feels like a betrayal when I am left waiting in this chaotic atmosphere. She called me yesterday, insisting I arrive early, yet here I am, left waiting in this chaotic atmosphere for the queen herself.

"I...I'm sorry, Nora! I got caught in traffic and ran the whole way here!" she gasps, her voice a mixture of exhaustion and embarrassment, her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. Her eyes, wide with regret, search mine for understanding.

I can't help but laugh, the sound spilling forth like a release of pent-up tension. "You look like you just survived a tornado," I tease, though my tone softens. I know this day is just as significant for her as it is for me.

She shoots me a playful glare, the spark of irritation in her eyes tempered by the warmth of our friendship. "Well, at least I made it. You wouldn't want to celebrate without me, would you?"

Izumi is the only friend I have made since arriving in Paris. Clumsy and stubborn, yes, but her heart is pure gold. We forged our bond over shared moments of vulnerability, both grappling with the pressures of academia and the weight of our aspirations.

As the faculty arrives, we greet them with forced smiles, the graduation ceremony commencing with an atmosphere thick with tension and expectation. It feels as though we are all engaged in a pretense, each moment a carefully crafted performance. After the obligatory speeches and polite applause, students gather for the photo session, capturing memories that feel both ephemeral and fragile.

Yet, my gaze drifts to one individual-the enigma known as Zenos Xeroros. He sits beside me, a figure shrouded in mystery, and I find myself inexplicably drawn to him. We have never exchanged words, and he appears disinterested in conversation. No one approaches him; an invisible barrier surrounds him, a dark aura that repels casual interaction. He wears that old mask, the fabric taut against his skin, while dark glasses obscure any glimpse of his eyes. He is a specter at this celebration, a solitary figure haunting the periphery of our joy.

Shaking off my thoughts, I redirect my attention to Izumi, who nudges me once more, her voice breaking through the haze.

"Hey, Nora! Are you even listening to me?"

I blink, returning to the present, the noise of the crowd fading into the background.

"Nora! Are you listening?" she presses, concern etching her features. I can see the affection in her eyes, a reminder that despite the chaos, I am not alone.She stares at affectionately yet angrily.I blink, pulled back to the present, the noise of the crowd fading into the background. The thrill of the unknown lingers in the air, a silent promise of secrets waiting to be uncovered.

I didn't realize how long I'd been staring at him, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts that dulled the world around me. The hum of voices faded into a distant murmur, replaced by the pounding of my heart as I grappled with the storm inside. A small smile flickered on my lips as I finally tuned back into Izumi, her presence grounding me.

"Yeah, sure, I'm listening to you, sweetie," I said, attempting to bridge the gap between us. But the skepticism in her eyes told me she didn't believe me; it was painfully clear I hadn't absorbed a single word she'd spoken. I could see the flicker of disappointment cross her features, and it stung more than I cared to admit.

Cutting off her next sentence, I stood up, looking down at her with newfound determination. "Let's grab something refreshing. How about a matcha latte at the café?" The idea sprang to my mind like a lifeline, a way to pull us both out of this tangled moment.

The mention of her favorite drink ignited a spark of joy in her eyes, lighting up her face as if I had just offered her the sun. I reached out, grasping her hands and pulling her to her feet, the warmth of her presence drawing me closer, a welcome distraction from the chaos swirling in my mind.

"Come on, it's on me, okay?" I urged, hoping to lighten her mood and my own. I could feel the tension in my shoulders ease a fraction as I watched her smile widen.

Izumi chuckled, her laughter ringing like a delightful melody, and nodded eagerly. The brightness of her smile warmed me, a stark contrast to the turmoil I couldn't shake off. A matcha latte was her indulgence, and it was impossible for her to resist its creamy allure. I had always admired how the simplest things brought her such joy, and in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to see her happiness reflected in her eyes.

As we stepped outside, the world around us seemed to blur, the vibrant campus fading into a mere backdrop. The sun cast a golden glow over everything, but an unsettling sensation crept over me, chilling the warmth of the day. I glanced back over my shoulder, my heart racing, searching for Zenos. But he was gone, disappearing like a shadow swallowed by the night, leaving behind an unsettling void that felt heavier than the air around us.

With each step we took away from that place, I felt a thrill run through me-a sense of liberation mixed with unease. We left those secrets behind us, but I could sense their weight lingering in the air. It was as if the very ground we walked on still held the remnants of unspoken words and buried truths.

As we made our way toward the café, I caught glimpses of Izumi, her hair dancing in the breeze, her laughter echoing in my ears. Yet, in the back of my mind, the weight of unresolved feelings pressed down on me, a reminder that the past couldn't simply be forgotten.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the darkness that crept in at the edges of my thoughts. This was our moment, and I didn't want anything to ruin it. The matcha latte awaited, a small escape from the chaos, a fleeting taste of normalcy amidst the storm brewing inside me.

As we approached the café, the inviting aroma of coffee and sweet treats wrapped around us like a comforting blanket. I took a deep breath, focusing on the present, on Izumi's laughter and the promise of warmth in a cup. Even amidst the uncertainty, I clung to the hope that this moment could offer a reprieve, if only for a little while.

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