Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to fallengoddess2000

Heyo! This chapter is dedicated to FallenGoddess200, Thanks for supporting me even when I didn't update! :)




Rachel heard her alarm going off but she refused to open her eyes.


"Fine!" she yelled at the clock radio, hitting the OFF button as hard as she could. "Ugh." she said to no one in general, "I hate Monday's".

She hopped into the shower turning on the radio.

Hey its Mikey Madoff in the morning! Its a Monday and the last day of school is coming up for Lincoln High! The weather for today, May 30, will start with some rain and then switch to some nice sunshine around noon. Just a reminder that Burbestin Carnivals are in town, but remember the concerts don't start till Friday night! We still have tickets for Bridget Mendler, congratulations to Stephanie Miller on answering your question right! First a few songs then the question. We'll start with Mirror by Justin Timberlake followed by some Demi Lavato and Carly Rae Jepsen. Don't forget to tune in to win those tickets.

Rachel flipped the shower off and grabbed her towel, drying off her legs. She stepped out of the shower and headed one door down the hall back to her room. She closed her door and heading straight to her dresser. She put on her undergarments and looked at the rest of her outfit. Her knock off yoga leggings and St. Louis Cardinals t-shirt seemed fitting for a Monday. She set out her low black socks and her red & black Nike running shoes.

She looked around, realizing she left her phone in the bathroom. She picked up her towel and rewrapped it around her. The radio was still playing when she walked into the bathroom. She could hear the sounds of her family getting up, Tanner starting his music, the shower in her parent's bathroom running.

And that was Over You by Carly Rae Jepsen. Here's your question for all you Bridget Mendler fans! Are you ready?! The game show music started playing. Your question is... What Disney Channel Original Movie won an Emmy for Outstanding Children's Program of 2006? Call in if you know the answer to this question. The number is 555-5555 remember 555-5555, one more time 555-5555. Call!

High School Musical Rachel thought to herself. She picked up her phone and dialed 555-5555. I hope I had the last four digits right! she thought again.

 After a few rings someone answered.

Hey you're talking to Mikey Madoff in the morning! What's your name caller? "Rachel" she told him. Hey Rachel do you have the answer to our question? "Umm... Is it High School Musical?" she asked. Correct you are! And we have a winner! Are you excited for Bridget Mendler Rachel? "Heck Yeah!" she exclaimed.

After she gave him her information she hung up and started blow drying her hair. With her hair blow dried and straightened she headed back to her room and finished getting dressed. She stuffed her homework into her bag and stepped out of her room, closing her door behind her.

"Tanner," Rachel called him walking by his door, "we're leaving in fifteen minutes"

"Ok!" she heard him yell over his music.

 Twenty minutes later Rachel had eaten breakfast, scrolled down her newsfeed to three days ago, and beat four levels in candy crush.

"Taaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnner!" she yelled tired of waiting for him.

"I'm coming," he said running down the stairs with his bag slung over his shoulder. He was wearing jeans with a Hollister t-shirt. He put on his black converse and grabbed, not one or two, but three packages of triple chocolate fudge pop tarts out of the cupboard.

"I told you we were going to leave five minutes ago!" she complained.

"Calm down it not like you have a boyfriend you just have to see," he retorted, hitting a spot.

"I could have just left you here," Rachel said having nothing good to come back with, "Maybe I will." she continued as she walked out the door to her truck.

She inserted the key and turned it. RRRRRUUUMMMM She tried again. RRRRUUMMMMMM

"Or maybe you won't," Tanner said laughing at her.

"Come on Baby," Rachel whispered to her truck.

She turned the key again. RRR-RRR-RRRUMMMMMMM

"How ya like them apples?" she gloated when it turned on.

"How do you like being late to school because you car won't turn on?" he responded pointing to the car's radio.


"Miss Peterson, is there a reason you are late?" her first period teacher asked her snottily.

"My car wouldn't start." Rachel tried explaining.

"Too bad Miss Peterson," Mr. Adams said, "you'll have a fifteen minute detention. It must be served by Thursday or you'll have to repeat Junior year." He finished with a satisfied face.

"But Mr. Adams that ridic-"

"Maybe you shouldn't be late to class, now would you like to serve thirty or sit down?" he said, smirking when he saw Rachel sit down.


"Lunch Finally!" Rachel yelled entering the cafeteria with Gwen.

She had suffered through English, Math, Spanish Three, P.E., and Chemistry and she was ready for a nap. All she had left for the day were Textiles and Clothing, Chorus, and Study Hall, her favorite classes of the day.

Following Gwen to the lunch line, she picked up a tray. Gwen grabbed a piece of meat lovers pizza, container of fries, a cup of kiwi, an orange, and finally, a water bottle. Rachel decided on a ham sandwich, an apple, and a green tea. Gwen's total was about $6.00 and Rachel's was $4.00. As soon as she sat down Rachel was ready to dig into her sandwich.

"Rachel and Gavin," Gwen started, "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Gwen Phillips and Meaty McPiz-" she joked before being interrupted.

"Would Rachel Peterson please come to the office, Rachel Peterson to the office please." the intercom said leaving Rachel looking longingly at her sandwich.

"I'll save it for you," Gwen said reading her mind.

"Thanks poptart!" Rachel said hurrying to the office.

She had started calling Gwen "poptart" freshman year, when Gwen spent the night at her house and they were eating warm pop tarts as a late night snack. She told Gwen she "hot and delicious" just like a poptart. It fit her nicely, since she didn't stop eating.

Nearing the office she came back into present time.

"Hey Mrs. Storch," she greeted the office secretary.

"Hello Rachel." she responded nicely, "your father is waiting outside, he'll tell you what's going on." she finished pointing towards the front doors.

"Dad," she started, getting into the passenger seat, "What's wrong?" she thought of her mom. Did she have an overdose?

"Its Tanner," he said as if reading her mind, "Tanners in the hospital."


Oooooooh! Cliffhanger! Hahaha! Suckersssss!

Sorry I'm a mea person and I leave you cliffhangers after not updating in a while! But... I got a new laptop and I left you a longer update! Whoo! So I will start an update schedule so until next time


P.S. little proof read!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2013 ⏰

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