Chapter 3

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I sat at my kitchen table on Saturday afternoon, studying while waiting for my pizza I ordered to get here. I heard the doorbell ring and I went to go answer it.

The pizza delivery boy basically drooled once he saw me, maybe because I was wearing some yellow adidas shorts that stopped right past my plump cheeks, a white tank top and some yellow footies. I'd drool if I saw myself to.

He wasn't to cute though. He had light skin, with shoulder length dreads and he was also on the short side. Definitely not my type.

"Y-your total will b-be 15.95." He stuttered. I pulled a twenty dollar bill out of my bra and we exchanged.

"Keep the change." I said, shutting the door with my foot.

I went back to the kitchen and sat the box down on the table. I grabbed a plate and opened the box, revealing the large pepperoni pizza. I sat three pieces on my plate and closed the box. Yes, I'm a fat girl at heart but I got to the gym every other afternoon and all of those carbs come right off.

As I ate and continued studying, there was another knock at the door. I went to go see who it was with my last slice of pizza still in my hand. I opened the door and there stood Anya with Ronny, another girl I didn't know and two other boys I didn't know.

"Hey Nae." She said, stepping in without an invite and her little posse followed her. (Anya in MM)

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked with slight irritation. I'm trying to study and she wants to pop up at my house with a guy who I absolutely did NOT want to know where I live and people I don't know whatsoever.

"Well it's Saturday and I knew you'd be at home bored so me and my friends decided to pay you a visit. Oh you ordered pizza." She grabbed two slices of my pizza with out washing her dirty ass hands. She handed one to one of the girls while she ate the other one.

"Hey baby." Ronny said. I rolled my eyes and returned to my seat and started to study.

Anya took it upon herself to play some music from her phone and she even connected it to my speakers so it was louder. Her and her friends started twerking and grinding on each other, Ronny and the other guys stood there and licked their crusty ass lips while watching them.

I was honestly disgusted and I wanted them out of my fucking house. Not trying to be a bitch or anything but I don't want these irrelevant motherfuckers invading my me time.

"Anya!" I screamed over the music. Her and her friend stopped dancing and Anya turned the music down.

"Y'all gone have to go home." I said, not trying to sugar coat shit.

"Why?" Anya asked.

"Because I'm trying to study and y'all are being a distraction."

"Well fine then, but you should really stop being so stuck up. It's okay to have fun Nae." She said. I rolled my eyes and shut the door so I could return to my piece and quiet.

Next Day (Sunday)

I pulled up to the campus library and grabbed my books before entering. I decided to study her for today because I was tired of being in the house. I had just came from the gym so I was wearing some athletic shorts along with a black sports bra that I covered with my Nike sweatshirt. My hair was on it's natural curly state up in a high ponytail.

I found a table in the back of the library and sat down to start studying. As y'all can see, I do not play about my grades. I feel like I should have the best of the best grades and anything below that isn't good enough.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I heard a female voice ask. I looked up and saw a girl that had Mr. Taylor's class with me named Leah. We don't really talk much, but she seems cool and quiet.

"Yeah, it's fine." I told her. She nodded and sat down across from me on the other side of the table. It was silent for a few minutes before I looked up at her. Her nose was just as deep in her book as mine.

"Leah right?" I asked.

"Yeap, that's me." She answered, sounding like Raven Simone from the show "That's So Raven" that used to come on.

"I'm Naomi, we have 3rd period together."

"I know, I didn't think you'd notice me though." She said, chuckling.

"You're not very hard to miss, I like your hair by the way." I complimented the braids that fell freely down her back. I could tell that it was freshly done.

"Thankyou, I like yours to. What class are you studying for?" She asked.

"Mr. Taylor's what about you?"

"Same. He is so fine, I'd love for him to teach me a lesson." She said, biting her lip. I giggled and nodded my head in agreement.

"I know right, and those tattoos just put the icing on the cake." I added.

"Yesss!! I wonder how he got hired with all of those tattoos though, he seems like he has a thug ass personality." She said.

I thought about telling her what he'd told me, but I decided against it. I don't know if he wants anyone knowing about his personal life and it's not my place to tell her. Plus I barely even know her enough to know if I can trust her with my secrets or not.

"I know right, but maybe he's like really smart or something." I said, shrugging.

"Yeah, maybe." She replied. Well played Naomi, well played.

We started going over our notes together, then we quizzed each other on what we would be getting quizzed on Monday by Mr. Taylor. It was last minute and he'd just informed us by an email earlier that day.

"Wow, you're really smart." Leah said to me.

"Shit I better be, all that studying I do day and night." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I know that's right." She said, laughing.

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