Chapter 4

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It was now Monday and I was sitting in front of my quiz that Mr. Taylor had given us. It was easy because I studied and I knew I would be getting an easy A. Mr. Taylor had already passed the quizzes out before we got here, so there was one sitting at each desk.

"Leah!" I whisper/yelled when she walked in, pointing to the seat on my right since Anya was sitting on my left. She smiled at me then sat down in the seat.

"Who's she?" Anya asked with a almost angry facial expression.

"This is Leah, Leah this is Anya." I said, introducing the two.

"Hi, nice to meet you Anya." Leah said, being her normal friendly self. Anya just turned around in her seat, causing me to throw her a confused facial expression which she ignored.

Mr. Taylor walked into the class and it got quiet like any other day. He sat down at his desk and started to speak in a calming voice. "Any questions before we start?" He asked.

Once no one answered, he nodded and started explaining each part of the quiz. Once he was done, he sat back down in his seat.

"Oh yeah, happy Monday." He said, chuckling.

We all ignored his attempt to make us nervous and got to work. Well at least me, Leah, and the males in the class did. Anya along with the other girls giggled and stared at him when it clearly wasn't funny.

I was the first one finished and I walked up to Mr. Taylor's desk and handed him my paper with a small smile. We held contact for a minute before I turned and walked back to my seat. Once I sat down and looked at him again, he gave me a slight nod which answered the question I'd asked him on the back of my quiz.

Leah was the second one finished in the class. She handed the teacher her paper and came and sat back down. She smiled at me then pulled out her phone. A few seconds later, mine buzzed with a text message.

*Text Convo*

Leah: You ain't slick honey! I peeped that nod, now what was that about 👀

Me: Calm down 😳 I just asked to stay and help grade the quizzes, that's all 😅

Leah: Grading quizzes my ass 😂😂

Me: Shutup, I didn't say anything when I saw you and the dean's son flirting 💁🏽

Leah: So you think you're funny 😐

Me: I do a little stand up comedy from time to time.

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