A New Beginning

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The sun cast a warm glow over the Hogwarts grounds as Elizabeth stepped off the Hogwarts Express, her heart racing with excitement and a hint of anxiety. She was a bright-eyed, bushy-haired girl with an infectious smile that seemed to light up the dreary autumn day. As a Muggle-born, she had heard whispers about the prejudices she might face at the school, but she was determined to make the most of her magical education.

As Elizabeth walked toward the castle, she took in the majestic architecture and the enchanted atmosphere surrounding her. The chatter of fellow students filled the air, creating a symphony of excitement and nerves. She clutched her wand tightly in her pocket, ready to embrace the magic that awaited her.

“Look at that one, a Muggle-born!” a voice sneered from the crowd. Elizabeth’s heart sank as she recognized the source of the mocking tone. Tom Riddle stood with a small group of Slytherins, his sharp features illuminated by the fading sunlight. He was handsome, with dark hair and piercing green eyes, but there was an unmistakable arrogance about him that made Elizabeth’s stomach churn.

“Leave her alone, Tom,” one of his friends urged, but Tom merely smirked, his gaze fixed on Elizabeth. She tried to ignore him, but it was impossible not to feel the weight of his disdain. In that moment, she could feel the chill of judgment creeping into her warm excitement.

As the Sorting Hat ceremony began, Elizabeth watched as students were called forward to be sorted into their houses. She hoped for Gryffindor, a house known for bravery and camaraderie, but the thought of being placed near Tom was unsettling.

“Riddle, Tom!” the Hat called out, and a hush fell over the Great Hall. Tom strutted forward confidently, a cocky grin on his face. The Hat barely touched his head before it shouted, “Slytherin!” The hall erupted into applause, but Elizabeth felt a shiver run down her spine.

After what felt like an eternity, it was finally Elizabeth’s turn. “Granger, Elizabeth!” the Hat announced. She took a deep breath and stepped up to the stool, her heart racing.

“Hmm, a bright one, filled with potential,” the Hat mused. “But you’re not afraid of a challenge, are you? Gryffindor might suit you well…”

“Gryffindor!” she whispered eagerly, hoping for the bravery to face whatever awaited her. The Hat chuckled softly.

“Very well! Gryffindor it is!”

As she joined her new housemates, Elizabeth glanced across the hall to see Tom sneering at her. She felt a wave of determination wash over her. She would not let him intimidate her. Hogwarts was a place of magic and wonder, and she was determined to make it her home.

The feast began, and laughter filled the air as the students shared stories and made new friends. Elizabeth found herself surrounded by her fellow Gryffindors, their enthusiasm infectious. However, her eyes couldn’t help but drift back to Tom, who was watching her with an intensity that made her uneasy.

Later that evening, as the students mingled in the common room, Elizabeth caught snippets of conversations about the Dark Arts and the importance of blood purity. The words hung in the air like a heavy fog, and she felt a sense of foreboding creeping in.

“Don’t let them get to you,” one of her new friends, a girl named Lily, said, noticing Elizabeth’s troubled expression. “Tom Riddle is just a bully. He thinks he’s better than everyone else, but he’s not. Just be yourself, and you’ll be fine.”

Elizabeth smiled, grateful for the support, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that her path at Hogwarts would be far from easy. Little did she know that her journey would intertwine with Tom’s in ways she could never have anticipated.

As the evening wore on and the stars twinkled above Hogwarts, Elizabeth felt a mix of hope and trepidation. She was ready to embrace the magic of her new life, but she couldn’t ignore the dark shadow that loomed in the form of Tom Riddle.

With determination in her heart, Elizabeth vowed to find her place at Hogwarts, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

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