chapter 2

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I grabbed out a outfit that no one would ever had wear. A short skirt that showed off my but. And a tight crop top that look like a girdle. It was green and purple. My hand were put into fingerless gloves. I put a jacket that had poofie shouldersand after the shoulders it was tight. My makeup was just mascara and red lipstick that went into my cheeks. (The jacket is the one in the pic)
My brother had on a red pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a red and black jacket. He's makeup was similar to mine but with no mascara. See we could be mistaken for our parents genderbend. We just headed to one of them in our choices
"Nice what's outfit." He said. Purple and green were the normal colors I wore.
" My heart is in someone's hands." I said looking to the ground. I sat on my bed. Toxic came and sat by me.
"I doubt they will keep us there for long. Did you pack valuables?" I nodded to my twin. He nodded back and stood up. We walked out.
"Bye Mum bye Dad we will see you later." They nodded and started to laugh. We all did.
Later we had finally gotten to the place where we had to meet the people who were taking us to the cave.
I almost barphed. It was the brunette and Nightwing.
"Oh hello Pudden." I said informing we had arrived. My stuff was in my tiny box on my belt.
"It's them. Why are they living here now?" The brunette mumbled.
"Well our stupid parents made us. And we don't take lightly to meanness." I said. Toxic laughed.
"Whats your name Leprechaun and Queen of Hearts?" He asked us.
"Thats not nice Impulse! Sorry new kid." Nightwing shot a glare at the tall boy. His outfit was red and white. It was funny because it was really tight. Boys shouldn't wear things like that.
"Oh what to do!" I said cartwheeling over to Nightwing.
I did the same thing I did to Kid Flash except I swatted his but. He moved away and I stumbled.
"Stay away from my cousins boy!" The brunette yelled at me.
"Toxic he's mean!" I said. I just fallowed Nightwing as he walked into the phone booth.
"Nightwing B-(don't know number for either)Impulse B-" a robotic voice said.
"Not meaning to sound annoying-(laughs mid sentence)- but how do we get in?" My brother asked me.
"Let's just walk in." I said.
"Sure why not?" He said back and we walked in together laughing.
"Toxic J-1 Chemical J-1." The voice said. I felt like I was flying. I took another step and the feeling stopped.
"How My makeup? My hair?" I questioned my brother.
"You look fine just stop crabbing about it." The brunette said.
"Who's that?" My brother asked pointing to a boy with black hair.
"Ja- Toxic? Chemical? How did you get here?" He asked. I walked over to him. I walked him start to a wall. I pinned his body onto the wall. My hand went threw his black locks.
"Well fancy meeting you here." I said. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Nightwing! Help!" He called out.
"I've got this." The voice said that had his hand on my shoulder. I was spun around and knocked into someone. It was the brunette. I hugged him. I didn't let go I was crushing him.
"Ahm." A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a girl. She had bright red hair.
"What are you doing?" Her skin was tinted green.
"It's called affection." I replied sassly because no one told me what to do.
"Well get off of Impulse he can't breath." She said shyly.
"Ok so what's your names?" A tall boy with black hair said. I didn't even want to try with this boy. The red head walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
"Wally Babe." A red head said. Nightwing grunted and grabbed the red heads hands.
"Who was that to? Because I know your name." He told the red head.
"Sorry Babe you know I just have to." He replied his face going so red you couldn't see his freckles.
Toxic let out a little giggle. Everyone's eyes went to him.
"So we're Toxic and are?" He said.
"Yeah right you get our superhero names." Impulse said.
"Well I'm happy you think that's our superhero names. We really don't have normal names." Toxic said. I crawled into the couch and lied down. I felt a hand on my head. A blonde was really close.
"Artemis?" I cried out.
"Chemical!" She cried out. Her strong arms wrapped around my chest.
"Wait where's your brother?" She asked a light blush making its way into her pale cheeks.
"Toxic!" I screamed. A laugh answered me. I Sat up and saw everyone was around the couch.
"What you all staring at? Robin!" I yelled. I trackled him to the ground. My hand ran threw his short black hair.
"Nightwing!" He cried out.
"Guys we should trust them. I'll be the first to show that they can be trusted." The red head said.
"I'm M'Gan." She said with a smile. I hate her already.
"I'm Kaldur." A boy with gills said.
"I'm The man of your dreams Babe." The red head said. Nightwing elbowed him in the ribs.
"That idiot's Wally and I'm Dick. He's mine." He hissed. That didn't mean I wouldn't make him mine.
"I'm Tim." Robin said.
"Jaime." The boy I pinned to the wall said.
"Conner." Red heads lover said.
"Artemis." Artemis said with a smile.
"Garfield." A voice came out from behind me. I jumped and fell onto the floor. Everyone started to laugh at me.
"You all are mean." I said. Toxic walked over to me and helped me up. He hugged me and calmed me down.
Everyone looked at Impulse.
"Bart." He said.
"I need a wall....of a body." I said. Toxic looked at me.
"Well we have a full equipped room that is for training. You can pick on of us and we will help." Dick said.
"Bart come." I said I spun around. I walked to a door.
"Other was Leprechaun." He said.
"I knew that." Everyone had left the couch area. I walked after the boy. He turned around and picked me up. My short skirt came up even more and he was trying hard not to look at my breast.
"Why do you need to pick me up?" I asked and he just rolled his eyes. He ran with supper speed to a room with tons of things.
"Let me get changed."I said. I walked into a bathroom. I started to take off everything as soon as I let go of the door.
I put on a pair of black booty shorts. They were gym shorts. A green crop top that was cut up in the back. And a pair of worn out convers.
Time to train with the fastest boy alive.

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