chapter 3

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My twin watched as I walked out. He was sitting by Artemis. They could date. No they should date.
I bowed at the boy. He looked confused.
"Wait your really pale? It's not just makeup?" He questioned.
"Ever wonder why we only attack when it's dark?" I said rolling my eyes. I circled the speedster.
"Yeah but are you nocturnal?"
"No Pudden we just don't need as much sleep as you." I said. I threw a punch but he caught my hand.
"Is that why your always crabby?" He questioned. He threw my hand back. He kicked my stomach. I fell to the ground. I jumped up and cartwheeled towards the teen. I backflipped over him. I kicked his legs out from underneath him.
"No it's just a phase." I replied as a robotic voice said something about Impulse failing.
I walked back to the bathroom.
"Let's go swimming!" A voice called into the bathroom. I shrieked. I pulled my shirt over my area and used my elbows to cover my breast.
"Sorry here's a suite. I didn't think you would have one." M'Gan said as she walked in.
"Get out please!" I called out. She spun around and flew out. I grabbed my belt and opened my box.
A small hologram closest appeared. I went scrolling threw the outfits until I found my swim suit area. I picked out a red and black one to match my brother.
Mine was a red pair of shorts with black stars on it. And a bikini shirt that was black with a red diamond on each side. Perfect.
I walked out and shut down my hologram. I saw everyone looking at me. The girls looked away. I felt weird. The girls didn't have much skin showing. Well I wasn't like them. I flirt with everyone and didn't care what people think about me. As long as I was happy the world could be dead and I wouldn't care.
I laughed. Toxic stood up off of the couch and laughed back. That was our way of finding each other.
"Twinning!" M'Gan screamed. I saw my brothers shorts. They had stars and diamonds covering it and it was black with red stars and diamonds.
"I guess so. Hey I want to talk to you Impulse and Che-Tox- the girl twin." Ok. M'Gan didn't know which one was which.
"Who else has no clue which one of us is Chemical and Toxic?" Toxic asked laughing. I laughed with him.
"Our parents really weren't creative with naming us. We basically are both. I'm Chemical Toxic and he's Toxic Chemical. It's weird but I'm coming." I told them and stopped laughing slowly.
She nodded at me. I walked next to Bart and pushed him over. My crazy green hair was everywhere. He glared back at me. M'Gan looked at us. My smile didn't fade. I laughed a little.
"What's your problem? Do you ever stop laughing?" He asked me. See I needed to be happy couldn't have my anxiety take over again. My mental break downs are never good. I looked Bart up and down. He was in a red swimming suite with lighting bolts on it.
"How old are you? 5?" I asked. His cheeks went a light red.
"No I'm 15." Ugh older than me. I laughed.
"Bart stop she's new. She also the daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn. Laughing is just something they do." I looked thankful to M'Gan.
"Now let's talk about you two. You guys have to be nice. This team is not very stable at the moment all we need is you two crashing into it. If one falls we all fall." She was suddenly serious. I looked at Bart.
"Sorry Bart I want to be friends not enemies." I said putting my hand out for the cute brunette to shake. He roles his eyes.
"Know let's go swim!" M'Gan yelled. When I walked out I started laughing crazily. My brother replied. I walked into the kitchen to see Wally kissing Dick.
"How does your pizza taste Wally? Can I have some?' I questioned. He broke the kiss from the dazed ebony.
"I'm not eating a pizza?" He replied confused. Nightwing was in swim suite as was Wally.
"Oh yeah? What does Dick taste like then? Hamburgers? Hotdogs? Pizza?" I asked grabbing a soda and pointing at the two. Dick's face went red. I laughed and left with my soda.
"Lets go swimming!" I yelled and walked towards Bart.
"Hey cutie." I said with a smile. His face went red.
"Ok I'm sorry but you can't flirt with me. I can't take you flirting with other boys and with me." He said.
"I'm sorry. Mister B." I said using something I've learned from my mum.
"Dont call me that!" He yelled. I laughed. He laughed with me. I felt....nice. I never thought I would call a boy that.
"Lets go!" Toxic yelled as he picked Artemis. He ran will her to the pool as she tryed to escape my twins grip.
Wally giggled as he picked Dick up and ran. M'Gan ran into the pool. Garfield laughed and jumped in and turned into a green dolphin. Toxic threw Artemis in as did Wally but Wally jumped in with. I just kepting walking by the speedster. He looked at me. I threw my green hair out of my eyes.
His eyes went weird and he looked at me.
"Random question but how much to you weigh?" He asked.
"No no Bart don't you dare!" I said. I spun to the side and started to run. I felt a breeze and tight arms holding me bridle style. I suddenly felt water and coldness shot through me. Bart had thrown me into the pool. I felt the water going into my lungs.
My green hair was matted down and now not as crazy as I liked it. I knew my scars were going to be visable if I went into the water. I wasn't plaining on going in. Toxic had put something over his that couldn't come off. Lucky boy.
Sadly we were not the same skin tone so...
Bart looked at me. Concern filled his eyes. I pulled an umbrella out of no where. I put it over my head. I would swim/drowned but I would not tan.
Bart swam over to me.
"Why do you need the umbrella?" He asked. I knew that was not the question he wished to ask.
"I dont tan. Not know how to swim." I said struggling. He scooped me up suddenly and he was taking me to the shallow end.
"When did greenhead and the redhead become besties?" Garfield asked.
"Since when did Chemical suddenly become unflurty?" Garfield said creating a new word.
"No reason for both we just thought that we are a team. Not enemies." I said. He nodded.
"Then why is he still holding you?" That question made water go into my lungs.
"Sorry." Bart said as my green head came out of the water. My hair naturally came down to my waste but when it was all done up it can a few inches above my waist.
"Who asked that...question?" I asked. Fear shown in Gar's eyes.
"Thats not nice Garfield." Toxic said. We started to laugh.
"Sorry?" He said but it sounded for like a question. He turned into a green otter and swam around me.
"It's ok. If it was anyone else I would tell at them. But since it's you it's fine." I said with a smile.
"Question do you know that there is makeup al over your face?" Wally asked.
"Yeah I don't wear a lot of makeup so how much is it?" I asked.
"Just red.....your smile is creepy." Bart answered. I laughed. I brought one hand to my face and whipped the imaginary makeup off.
"Got most of it." Dick said. I laughed. I was the only one in the shallow end. Toxic was near 6ft so he could easily swim in the 5 and 6ft areas. I was only 5'4 so I could really go with out the water being at my mouth.
"Here let me help you." A familiar voice called out. A breeze told me it was either Wally or Bart. My umbrella was covering up my skin so when the person came under it was Bart.
"Here." He said. His hand went over my face and rubbed. I made a face and he laughed.
"Thanks..." I said. Everyone awed.
"I hate you all." I said. They all laughed. Artemis looked hurt and Toxic laughed at her.
"Dont worry I still love you two Artemis and Toxic." I said throwing a kiss at the two. Wally was under water and jumped up and caught the kiss.
"It's mine!!!" He yelled. Dick slapped his arm. He whined. Dick then kissed him.
"Here you can have it." Wally said as he passed the kiss to Bart. Bart just stood there. Very weird for a speedster. He swam towards me and stood by me. In the three foot the water was up to my waist. It was similar to Bart but a little lower.
"So want to learn how to swim?" He asked.
"I'm not sure-" I was cut off because Bart speed me towards the deeper end. The 4ft was where he stopped.
"Here. It's ok I can help you any time."
"Guys I know that this is a beautiful moment but let's play chicken. Choice your partner!" Wally said. Toxic grabbed Artemis. Wally already had Dick on his shoulders making the super hero really tall. Artemis was on my crazy brothers shoulders.
M'Gan, being stronger, had the 15 year old changling on her shoulders. Bart looked at me.
"So I'm not good at this game...." I said nervous. I just laughed and then I was fine.
"It's fine. We're super hero's. We're going to use our powers to our advantage." He said with a smile. I nodded and he went under water. Suddenly I felt cold. The water was warm since I was in it and know I was on Barts shoulders.
"Ok so I'll speed over to your brother try and knock off her." He said.
"Ok let's go." I said. Bart speed over and the whole world went into a blur.
"Put your arms out!" Someone yelled. I threw my arms out and something collided with they. A splash told me something happened.
"Nice one!" He told me once we stopped. I saw Artemis under water and her blonde hair everywhere.
"Toxic that was good." She said. He laughed and helped her out of the pool. They dried off and Artemis went to tan and Toxic hide under that umbrella.
"Next it's Gar and M'Gan! Vs. Wally and Dick!!!!!" Artemis yelled. The two groups looked at each other. M'Gan used levitation to hold Gar up as he turned into a gorilla. We all knew that Dick would fall but it was a game so they had to try. Dick started to laugh as Wally was levitated up in the air and flipped upside down. I started laughing as Dick held on but after lost of air he let go and came up for air.
"Know it's M'Gan and Gar Vs. Chemical and Bart!" Artemis yelled again without looking up.
Dick and Wally just started to make out. It was weird.
"Ok so their obviously going to win so le-"I was cut off as Bart started to speak.
"No powers!" He said. M'Gan's eyes stoped glowing and Gar went back to his human monkey form.
"What? That's no fair!" Dick yelled as he stopped kissing his redhead boyfriend.
"Being a super hero isn't crash either but oh well." Bart said. (Sorry haven't really been using Bart's future talk but he uses it!)
Dick mumbled stuff as Wally started kissing him again.
"Lets go!" Gar shouted. Bart swam over to the adaptive siblings. I used my strength to push on Gar.
"Hey she using super human strength!" Gar said.
"How? Both of my parents aren't super powered?" See that was true with my real parents. Joker and Harley were my parents but they weren't powered people.
"Um noted......ok?" He said. With one strong push he fell into the water.
"Noted. Not powered." He said. M'Gan laughed. My umbrella had fallen into the water. I picked it up. I pushed my hands on to Bart's shoulders and pushed my light body up. I did a hand stand on top of the boy and pushed off. I went into the water.
"Wow how did you do that?" Bart asked as he picked me up. Dick was watching as well.
"It's called strength. And gymnastics strength." I said.
"Ever think of joining the circus?" Bart asked laughing. Toxic joined in but a glare from Artemis made both stop.
"Yeah when I was little my parents wanted to let me but the circus already had an act for it. I went for a year. Something Grayson?" Dick stopped kissing finally and looked at me.
"Wait you were that girl?" He asked. I looked at the enbony.
"How would you know?" I asked.
"Nothing never mind. How about we dry off and watch a movie?" He asked crawling out of the pool. Bart had me still in his arms. I squirmed out of them and doggy pattled away.
"What movie?" I asked.
"How about.......Nemo?" Wally questioned. Dick laughed at the manliness his boyfriend was showing.
"And cuddle?" Dick asked.
"If that's what you want princess." He said kissing his for head. We all walked in side to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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