Chapter 16 : Finding Balance and Rediscovering Friendship

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The internship kept Caitlin busy, but she found herself pulled in yet another direction: community service in Banten. She'd been selected to join a volunteer project that focused on supporting local villages by helping with their resources, like selling banana chips, introducing sustainable practices, and even developing coral reefs in the nearby waters. It was a chance to make a real impact, and Caitlin felt a surge of purpose and excitement as she committed to it. Balancing both the internship and the volunteer work was challenging, but for her, the rewards were worth it.

Over time, though, her schedule became overwhelming. Days stretched into long hours, juggling work at the internship with her growing responsibilities in the villages. Each day was filled with bustling activity, yet, slowly, something inside Caitlin began to shift. She couldn't quite place it at first, but she noticed it most when she came home to her empty room and found her phone silent.

After weeks of daily contact, Frand's texts were no longer popping up on her screen. It wasn't that he'd stopped reaching out—Caitlin simply hadn't replied. Somewhere amidst her own confusion and exhaustion, she had distanced herself from him. Frand wasn't even her boyfriend, she reasoned. Why did it feel like he was such a constant presence in her life?

Days turned into weeks, and as August faded into September, Caitlin realized she hadn't texted him in nearly a month.

One evening in mid-September, Caitlin was on her way back from Banten after a long day of setting up a coral reef restoration project with her team. She was scrolling through her photos from the trip, smiling at a picture of the banana chip stand she'd helped set up in the village, when she suddenly felt a pang of something she hadn't expected: loneliness. It wasn't just exhaustion from the day. She realized, standing in the crowded train station, that she missed Frand. Not just his support or his humor, but his presence.

With a deep breath, she pulled up his chat window and hesitated for a long moment before typing.

Text Messages:

Caitlin: Hey, Frand. I know it's been a while... are you still mad at me?

There was a pause—a long one. Just when she thought maybe he'd decided not to respond, her phone buzzed.

Frand: Caitlin! Wow, I didn't expect this... I thought you might've just moved on and, well, forgotten about me.

Caitlin: No, no! I just... it's been complicated. I was so overwhelmed, and I didn't know how to balance everything, including us.

Frand: Us? Caitlin, we're just friends. There's no 'us' to balance. I was just there if you wanted to talk.

Caitlin: I know... and maybe that's why I got so lost. It was hard to understand why I needed you so much, even though we're just friends.

Frand: Sometimes, you don't need a reason. Friends can be close, Caitlin. It's not a bad thing. I'm here because I care about you.

Caitlin: I care about you too. I just needed time to realize it. I'm sorry I disappeared like that.

Frand: Hey, I get it. We all get confused sometimes. I'm just glad you're okay.

Caitlin: So... can we still be friends?

Frand: Of course, Caitlin. I'll always be here for you.

Caitlin smiled, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Somehow, with Frand, it was always easier. They quickly fell back into the flow of conversation, and as she recounted her day in Banten, she could feel the warmth of their friendship reigniting. She'd forgotten how much she enjoyed telling him about her life, sharing her experiences with someone who genuinely wanted to hear them.

The next morning, Caitlin found herself back at the office, scrolling through her messages with Frand from the previous night. She couldn't help but chuckle at some of his responses, especially his jokes about her "village life" in Banten.

As she was typing a reply, her colleague Mas Alex strolled by, giving her a wink.

Mas Alex: "Ah, texting again, huh? Don't tell me you have a secret boyfriend hiding in that phone!"

Caitlin: (laughing) "It's not what you think, Mas Alex! Just a friend."

Mas Alex: "A friend, huh? Sure, sure. I'll believe that when I see it." (smiling knowingly) "Whoever it is, you're lucky. You look a lot happier these days."

She didn't deny it. There was something about reconnecting with Frand that made her feel lighter, like she had a piece of herself back. Throughout the day, she found herself thinking about him and all the little things she couldn't wait to tell him. It felt like a small comfort in the midst of the chaos.

Later that evening, after another long day, she opened her messages again.

Text Messages:

Caitlin: Frand! Guess what? Mas Alex thinks I have a secret boyfriend! 😂

Frand: Really? Should I be flattered or worried?

Caitlin: A little bit of both, maybe! They're convinced I'm hiding someone. You wouldn't believe the things they tease me about at work.

Frand: Well, I'm glad I'm keeping you entertained, even from afar. How's the volunteer work going?

Caitlin: It's incredible. We've been working with the villagers on selling banana and melinjo chips. And the coral reef restoration? It's the most fulfilling thing I've ever done.

Frand: That sounds amazing. Caitlin, you're making such a difference. I'm proud of you.

Her heart warmed at his words. It was rare for her to feel genuinely recognized for her efforts. In the weeks she'd spent in Banten, she'd poured everything she had into the projects, and hearing Frand's encouragement meant the world to her.

Caitlin: Thanks, Frand. I needed to hear that.

Frand: Always. Just remember, you're not alone. If you ever feel overwhelmed again, just tell me. I'll always be here.

And he was. Over the next few weeks, their friendship grew stronger as Caitlin continued balancing her internship, volunteer work, and classes. Some days were harder than others, but knowing she had someone to lean on helped her find a sense of stability.

One Friday evening, after a particularly exhausting day in the field, Caitlin messaged him, grateful for the small moments of joy they shared.

Caitlin: I think I might just collapse from exhaustion. It was nonstop today.

Frand: You work too hard, Caitlin. Take a break. Maybe even treat yourself to something nice.

Caitlin: I might just do that. Any recommendations?

Frand: Hmm... how about ice cream?

Caitlin: Tempting. I think I'll take you up on that.

Frand: Good! And next time, tell me all about it. I'm just a message away, Caitlin.

She knew he meant it. The quiet reassurance in his words gave her peace, a reminder that she didn't have to carry everything alone. She could let herself lean on him, just a little.

As the internship and her volunteer project both progressed, Caitlin often found herself texting Frand more frequently than before. They fell into an easy rhythm, sharing snippets of their lives, supporting each other through the challenges, and savoring the small, joyful moments. Every message felt like a bridge, connecting them across the miles and bringing them closer, even if neither of them quite understood where things were headed.

And as the semester wound down, Caitlin realized that her friendship with Frand had become one of the most meaningful connections in her life. In a world turned upside down by the pandemic, he was her anchor, her steady hand, her friend. And for now, that was enough.


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