Chapter 18: New Adventures and Farewells

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As the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, Caitlin couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of the past year. The challenges of online classes, her HR internship, and the volunteering experiences in Banten had shaped her in ways she never anticipated. She had grown closer to Frand, and despite the uncertainty of their relationship, it felt as if they were slowly carving out a special place for each other in their lives.

By January 2021, Caitlin was preparing for her final day as an HR intern at the university's central administration. She felt a mix of excitement and nostalgia. The past few months had flown by, filled with learning, laughter, and countless memories. Although she was ready to embrace the new semester, she couldn't shake off the feeling of bittersweetness that accompanied goodbyes.

On her last day, Caitlin entered the office, greeted by familiar faces and the buzz of activity around her. The HR team had become like a second family, offering support and guidance throughout her journey. As she settled into her routine, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving.

Caitlin: (walking to her desk) "Good morning, everyone!"

Mas Alex: (grinning) "Morning, Caitlin! Are you ready to take on the world now that you're officially leaving us?"

Caitlin: (laughing) "I guess! I'm definitely going to miss this place."

As the day progressed, Caitlin spent her final hours wrapping up tasks and saying her goodbyes. The team surprised her with a small farewell gathering in the break room, complete with a cake and heartfelt messages.

Mr. Anthony: (raising a glass) "To Caitlin! Your dedication and hard work have been invaluable. We'll miss you dearly!"

Caitlin felt a swell of gratitude, her eyes misting over as she looked around at the faces of her colleagues.

Caitlin: "Thank you all so much! This experience has meant the world to me, and I've learned so much from each of you."

As the clock ticked closer to 5 PM, Caitlin packed her belongings, feeling a mixture of excitement and melancholy. She had a dinner planned with Frand to celebrate her last day as an intern, and it was the perfect way to wrap up this chapter of her life.

After finishing at the office, Caitlin made her way to their meeting spot. They had decided to explore the city, and Frand suggested they try the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system for the first time. Caitlin was intrigued; she had heard so much about it but had never had the chance to experience it.

When she arrived at the MRT station, she spotted Frand standing near the entrance, scanning the area with a wide grin on his face.

Caitlin: (waving) "Hey,  Frand! Ready to ride the MRT?"

Frand: (enthusiastic) "Absolutely! I've been waiting for this! It's supposed to be really fun."

They purchased their tickets and made their way down to the platform, Caitlin's heart racing with excitement. The rhythmic sound of the approaching train echoed through the station, and she felt a rush of adrenaline.

As they boarded the train, Caitlin was amazed by how clean and modern everything looked. The interior was bright, with spacious seating and digital screens displaying the next stations.

Caitlin: "Wow, this is way nicer than I expected!"

Frand: (grinning) "Right? It's like a mini adventure! Just wait until we get going."

Once they found their seats, the train jolted to life, and Caitlin felt the thrill of being on a moving train. They exchanged playful banter, discussing everything from their internships to their favorite movies.

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