Chapter 1

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Ch 1

Exploring the seven seas, was one of the privilages pirates got to have. The year is 1700 and the country of Britian was a global empire. pirates ruled the seas, but there was one particular pirate that seemed to rule them all.

Captain of his ship and crew was no other than Arthur Kirkland. He thought of himself as king of his own little world.

"Swab the deck! I want this boat spottless!" Arthur said. His crew of scurvy pirates followed his every order, they didnt want to slip up and be thrown off into the ocean, eaten by sharks or captured by other pirates.

Arthur smiled at the hard work of his crew members. He turned in the direction of the food courters to get something to eat when all of a sudden a crew member came running to the captain in urgency.

"Captain Kirkland! Bonnefoy's forces are in the distance!" The pirate said. Arthur looked at the pirate with a smirk on his face "That frog's here aye? well I guess we should go say hello." Arthur took out his sword in anticipation for the frenchman's arrival.


The two ships were side by side. Francis Bonnefoy was the captain of the enemy ship. He was known for being quite the looker and offten popular with the ladies, but today it seemed like Francis wanted something from the Englishman.

"Honhonhon!~ Ahoy Arthur!" The frenchman called out. Francis waved from the ship's deck.

Arthur frowned at Francis' sudden burst of enthusiasm "What do you want frog? Your disrupting the work of my crew." Arthur crossed his arms in annoyance.

Francis casually walked across the plank to Arthur's ship. "What? I just want to say hello..." Francis was lying threw his teeth "You know damn well your lying." Arthur gripped his sword. Francis walked up to the Brit and placed a white gloved hand on Arthur's shoulder and whispered, Arthur stood still "Where's the treasure black sheep?" Arthur looked up at the Frenchman with souless eyes "I dont know what you are talking about." said Arthur.

Francis took a couple steps back and laughed "You know exactly what im talking about." Francis took his sword out of it's sheath. Arthur took a battle stance.


Canons were fired, the sound of metal hitting eachother. Both the French and the English were at eachother's necks in battle.

"Monsieur! We have the treasure!" A couple of Francis' crew had found Arthur's treasure deep inside of his cabin. "Excellent!" Francis turned back to Arthur "Well Arthur, with that I bid you adieu.~" Francis bowed then took his leave along with Brit's treasure.

"You damn frog! I'll get you for this!" Arthur couldn't do much at the moment for he let the Frenchman get the best of him, he was tied up and failing around trying to get out of the ropes that constricted him.

Francis' ship had sailed away by now and night fall was starting to creep up on them.

Arthur's crew had already gotten him out of the ropes. he rubbed his wrists "Head sail for the next port." He announced. Arthur now was irritated, He let that frog get the best of him and now he lost his most valuable treasure, who knows what Francis will do with it.

Crossing Paths - Pirate!England x Pirate!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now