Chapter 2

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Ch 2

The town's port smelt of fish, salt water and hard working men. Arthur was still on the ship barking out orders to the members of his scurvy crew. "Alright men, we're here to get supplies only. No drinking, no piliging and especially no girls, do I make myself clear?" Arthur finished "Aye, aye captain!" The crew shouted and off they went to get said supplies.

Arthur however walked around town trying to get a drink even though the crew members weren't allowed to drink, Arthur could do what ever he wanted. Docked next to his ship was another ship that actually seemed alot better looking than the Englishman's.

It was a black ship, with a red flag and at the begining of the ship was a skull, it was something Arthur had never seen before. The flag had a white broken heart with cross bones underneath the heart. A bit feminine for a pirate ship he thought, He shrugged it off and continued walking.


Gossip could be heard in the town as you walked casually through. You had on a pirate's outfit. Your outfit was red and black off the shoulder dress which was very scandalous during this time. You also had a captain's hat on.

"She must be a pirate." said a mother with a small child. The child stared at you with curious eyes, soon the child dropped his toy on the cobble stone floor.

You looked at the toy wondering who it belonged to, you looked up and saw a child in distress over said item. You walked over to the worried child bend down and handed the toy over to him "Is this what you're crying over?" The child nodded.

"Stay away from him you flithy pirate!" The mother of the child said. The mother snatched the toy from you and continued walking.

You were a pirate which mean't that not many people were fond of you. You often get people talking about you, about how got away with wearing your outfit, if you stealed or anything of that nature.

You made your way to the bar for some food. You felt alittle uneasy being around so many men inside the bar, but you knew you could handle yourself quite easliy. You sat down waiting for your food.

A drunk man came your way "Hey there pretty lady, whats your name?" The man asked, He slurred his words. "Why don't you screw off?" You said.


Arthur walked inside a bar it was in border line chaos. He looked up and saw a girl she looked like she was getting ready to fight.

"Come any closer I'll slit your throat!" you said. Arthur looked bewildered. He had never seen anyone like you, a woman threatening a man? You swung at the man with your sword.

The man crept closer to you "Aw come on, I just want to have some fun." He said alcohol on his breath. Arthur saw this and took out his sword "Leave her alone you bloke she doesn't want you." Arthur said.

The man turned around and saw Arthur "Oh yea-" The man couldn't finish his sentence when he saw what Arthur had on, he turned back to you "Oh...uh s-sorry to bother you m-miss." The man turned towards the door and made his leave. You walked up to Arthur and smiled "Thanks but I could've handled that myself. I didn't need much help." You said to the blonde.

Arthur looked at you, you seemed like you weren't in any real danger per say but he wanted to be a gentlemen when it came to girls. You turned around ready to leave "Hey wait!" Arthur called out.

Arthur walked up to you "What's your name anyway, lass?" You smiled and told him your name "______ _______" you replied. "What's yours?"

"Captain Arthur Kirkland." Arthur bowed at you, You giggled. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"Haha you're so formal about it!" You laughed at him, He looked at you with slight annoyance on his face "Whatever....anyway what are you doing in a pirate's outfit?" Arthur looked away surpressing a light blush on his face just by looking at you.

You rolled your eyes at him "Im a pirate. Im actually a captain." You said "So I better not see out in the sea!" You warned him playfully.

The sun was statring to set yet again. You had to get back on your ship and so did Arthur. You looked up at Arthur and playfully smiled "Well I guess I'll see you around Artie.~" You said with a wink and off you went back to your ship.

Arthur however just watched you leave as the sun set in the horizon, a blush slowly creeping up to his cheeks. 

Crossing Paths - Pirate!England x Pirate!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now