The beginning

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Ebony summons everyone

Stella: Where am I

Rain: Who the hell are you

Ebony: My name is Ebony and today we will be playing Truth or Dare

Azura: Didn't we do it with another person named Ec-

Ebony: Nah she let the book go because it was too hard and so now I am in command

Patrick: Yeah I am looking forward to a new, kinder, gentler Truth or dare

Ebony: Oh are you, I am afraid this will be the opposite of this

Lance: WHY

Ebony: I love suffering


Ceris swings her Ender Greatsword before Ebony comes and blocks the blade with his Author powers + Plot Armor

Ceris: W-What

Ebony: Be a good girl and obey

Ciara immediately draws her knifes and self deletes

Ebony brings her back

Ebony: Sorry mate can't let you die

Ciara: uuuugggh

Ebony: Anyways let's get started

Rainimator Truth or Dare 3.0Where stories live. Discover now