Chapter 4

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Tyler had decided to spend the night with Josh. They were planning to buy an apartment or a house soon, but hadn't yet.

Josh was sitting on the couch watching The Avengers, and Tyler's head was resting on his shoulder as he slept lightly.

When the movie ended, Josh turned his head to ask if Tyler wanted to sleep in his room, and smiled when he saw that he was already asleep. He gently wrapped his arms around Tyler and lifted him up, and carried him to the stairs.

He carried Tyler up to his bedroom and lied him in the bed, then lied down next to him. He pulled the covers over both of them and Tyler opened his eyes for a second, and smiled at Josh. Josh smiled too, and before he thought about it, he leaned forward and kissed Tyler's forehead.

Tyler smiled again at that, and scooted closer to Josh, and Josh gently draped an arm over Tyler.


The next morning, Tyler woke up with his face resting on Josh's chest. He smiled and sat up slowly, trying not to wake Josh up. He crawled out of the bed and grabbed his jeans from yesterday. He changed out of fhe sweatpants Josh had let him use and into the jeans.

He went into the bathroom that was connected to Josh's room and washed his face in the sink. He brushed his teeth with the toothbrush he always kept at Josh's.

He leaned down and spit into the sink. He leaned back up and wiped his mouth with a towel. Suddenly, he was being grabbed from behind.

He screamed and jerked himself away, memories from the man in the dark alley still fresh in his mind. He felt his breathing pick up and he was getting dizy.

"Tyler!" He heard someone yell. Josh.

Tyler forced his breathing back to its normal speed, and looked up at Josh. He realized that he had fallen onto the bathroom floor, and Josh was leaning over him with a hand on the side of his face.

"J-Josh..." Tyler stammered, shaking.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I was just gonna hug you, I swear, I wasn't gonna hurt you, I'd never hurt you..." Josh rambled, gently holding one of Tyler's hands.

Tyler shook his head and stopped shaking. "It's okay Josh, I'm sorry I freaked out, I just got scared."

Josh still felt bad for having caused Tyler to panic, but he just nodded and stood back up so that Tyler could stand up too.

Josh helped Tyler up and Tyler followed him out of his room. "My parents are at work." Josh said. Tyler nodded.


"Would you rather have an apartment or a house?" Josh asked, glancing at Tyler before looking back to the road.

Tyler shrugged. "I'd rather have a house, but an apartment would be cheaper."

Josh smiled. "Only the best for my baby boy, house it is."

Tyler blushed at the nickname. Ever since an interview about a year ago, Josh occasionally called him 'baby boy'.

Josh pulled into a parking lot and unbuckled his seatbelt. "You can wait in the car if you want." Josh said. Tyler nodded.

When Josh came back out to the car, he had a few papers in his hands and he was smiling. "There's actually a lot of houses available in Columbus. There's one right on the outskirts that would be nice... not a lot of people and commotion."

Tyler nodded. "Let's check it out."

They drive for about 45 minutes until they pulled into a driveway. The house looked nice from the outside, it was light yellow with stone accents. It had white windowpanes and porchrails.

"It's pretty." Tyler said before opening the door and getting out. Josh followed.

"I have like four hundred keys... I'm not sure which one is for this house..." Josh said, holding up a bunch of different keys.

"How many houses did they recommend?" Tyler asked, looking at the keys with wide eyes.

Josh shrugged. "Like a million."

Tyler giggled and they started trying every key until, finally, one opened the front door.

"Yes!" Josh said, dramatically stepping through the front door. Tyler followed.

The house was nice on the inside too, with hardwood floors and granite countertops. The house didn't come with furniture, but it did have a pretty fireplace and a place in the wall to put a flatscreen.

"Sick." Tyler said.

"Sick as frick." Josh said, smiling.

"I want this one." Tyler said.

"Me too." Josh said.

"Are we seriously buying a house right now?"


"Dude... we're such adults." Tyler said with a laugh. Josh laughed too. Tyler felt Josh entertwine their fingers and he blushed. Josh smiled and pulled Tyler closer gently.

Josh moved his hand from Tyler's hand to his right hip, pulling Tyler's left side against himself. He turned his head to look at Tyler, who was only about an inch shorter than him.

"Josh..." Tyler whispered. Their faces were extremely close. Tyler could feel Josh's short breaths on his face.

Josh leaned forward and closed the gap between them. Tyler's eyes closed and he turned his head slightly. He ran his fingers through Josh's hair. Their lips moved together in sync, until they broke away for air.

Josh smiled at Tyler, and Tyler thought he might die. Josh's lips were a darker shade and slightly swollen, and his pupils were dilated. His hair was even messier than usual.

Instead of dying, he just pressed their lips together again quickly before gently pulling away and grabbing Josh's hand so he'd follow. "How do we buy this house?" Tyler asked.

Josh laughed. "I don't really know... I guess we just go back to the house-buying-place and tell them we want this one."

Tyler nodded. "I want to drive." He said.

Josh shrugged. "If you want."


"Alright, it's all yours. Here's two keys..." The woman handed Josh two keys. "... just let me know if you have any questions about payments or need anything."

Josh smiled and thanked the woman before taking the keys and a few papers and going back out to the car.

"It's all ours." Josh said with a smiled when he sat back in the car.

"Sick!" Tyler said.

Josh smiled.

Hi! ♡

So I don't really know where I'm going with this story right now... I'm just kinda going with the flow. So sorry if it sucks. But I do know I want to keep writing it. I don't know how many chapters I want, but I know I want a lot. So yeah. Thanks for reading! Please vote and stuff if you like it!

sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind《joshler》Where stories live. Discover now