Chapter 6

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Tyler loved the couch that he picked out. It was big and fluffy and comfortable, and he and Josh could both fit on it and lay down beside eachother. That's what they were doing now, Tyler lying with his head against Josh's chest as Josh traced circles on his arms.

They had finally hooked up the cable, and The Walking Dead was playing, but Josh and Tyler weren't really paying attention.

Josh trailed his fingers up into Tyler's hair, and played with the ends of it. "I like your hair long" Josh said, twisting his fingers in it.

Tyler shrugged. "I do to. I just keep it short 'cause it's easy to deal with." He turned and faced Josh. "You need to dye your hair. Purple this time."

Josh smiled. "Yeah, I like purple. I'll go by some dye as soon as I can."

Tyler groaned and rolled off the couch onto the carpet, and stretched dramatically. Josh giggled at him, and rolled off the couch as well, landing on top of Tyler.

"I can't breathe, Joshua!" Tyler shrieked, in a totally manly way, that is. Josh rolled off, kissing Tyler's cheek as he did. "Sorry, babe." Josh said. Tyler smiled at the nickname, and kissed Josh's nose.

Tyler loved the way Josh's while face scrunched up when he smiled, and had made it his goal to make him smile as much as possible.

Josh was yawning, and Tyler sighed. "Ready to go to bed?" He asked, and Josh nodded. They stood up and walked to their bedroom, Tyler jumping onto the bed as soon as they got through the door. He pushed off his jeans, and Josh did the same.

They drifted off to sleep together, holding hands.


Tyler felt the man's hands on his shoulder, forcing him to stay pinned to the wall. He heard him talking, low and breathy, saying things like, "Yeah, take it, slut." or "So hot."

His whimpers were drowned out by the sound of skin on skin, a steady rhythm in the otherwise quiet alley.

This time Josh didn't show up.

When the man finally finished, he shoved Tyler to the ground, holding the knife up...


Tyler shot up in the bed, sweating, and gasping for air.

"Tyler, are... are you okay? You were yelling in your sleep." Josh said, holding Tyler's hand.

Tyler let himself fall into Josh's chest, and Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler's small frame.

"Josh, he- he didn't stop! You weren't there, he kept on... then he had a knife!" Tyler was crying, and Josh was running his fingers through his hair gently.

"Shh, shh... it's okay baby boy, I'm here. I'll always be here, you don't have to worry about me not being here." Josh said, kissing Tyler's cheeks.

Tyler nodded slowly and pressed his face against Josh's neck. He allowed Josh to pull them back down so they were laying again.

"I love you, Josh."

"I love you too, Tyler. So much. I'll never stop."

Tyler smiled and drifted off to sleep again.

sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind《joshler》Where stories live. Discover now