Chapter 3

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Two days later, I was walking around the town I am in, then I saw a red figure. It was not normal. Then he jumped scared me.

"My name is Meat" Meat said.

"Hi" I said

"Do you want to go on a adventure with me" Meat said.

"I did 2 adventures 2 days ago, but why not" I said

We both go on a adventure together. Then Coco decided to go because he wanted me safe.


"Can you get rid of it please, and be careful" I said.

"Ah, ah, Ah, AH, AHHHHH" Meat said.

He broke my shield and we continued on our adventure. I didn't that Meat is that afraid of flies.

"I sorry that I broke your shield" Meat said.

"I forgive you Meat" I said.

After my shield heals. We keep walking around the second colony. Then we found a guy.

"Hallo" the guy said

"You are a hunsome" Coco said.

"I  am not a girl and my is dark" dark said.

"Then why do you look like a girl" Meat said

"We don't need to know Meat" l said

Dark decided to join us on our adventure and we found a lab. And we go in the lab and we go around circles around the lab. After we found our way through the lab we met someone.

"Hallo everyone" Lab boss said.

"Who are you expecting" Meat said.

"Glad you asked, my name is Gus" Gus said

"And you guys should be in one of these test groups" Gus said.

We beat him up and we Carry her out.

"I am sorry" Gus said.

We get out of the lab. And to the castle.


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