1 - What are the gloves for?

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The grass rustled as your boots walked on it. You'd been sent out by Xiangling to collect some Jueyun Chilies. Despite being sick this week — that girl's passion for cooking never died out.

Walking along Minlin's Riverbank, you spotted a few Jueyun Chilies near the edge of the shoreline. You skipped over and plucked them from their stem, bundling them inside your satchel.

You grinned. Success, as Xiangling only asked for three. Why not buy them in the harbor? Sold out. By none other than her. But your joy was short lived as you looked up and found a Primo Geovishap in your face.
"Hello there, sir."
You awkwardly bow your head and turn to leave, not wanting any violence this early in the morning.
You try to run away, only to be grabbed by its rock hard claw.
From your satchel, you pulled gardening scissors and jabbed them into its eyes.
"I was trying to have a peaceful and uneventful day you son of a—!"
Before you could finish your sentence, an array of arrows shot from above plunged into the Geovishap, causing it to pass and fade into the land.


You looked up in confusion to find a member of the Fatui, proof being the red mask resting on his head. He plunged down from the cliff he was standing on, somehow taking no damage.
Once you had met face to face, you raised a brow.

"Uhh? Fatui?"
"Wow, no 'Thank you for saving me'?"
"That's very... Egotistical. I would say cocky but that's not the right adjective and you look like you like cock so..."
"Hey! I was joking!"
"Huh, no shit."


After conversing for a while with the stranger, he bid you farewell and started walking back to the harbor. You grinned as you watch his back start to slowly dissappear in the distance. You then looked in your satchel, finding the Jeuyun chilies; but very battered and bruised due to all the sharp movement that occured a few minutes ago.
I can't give these to Xiangling! Unacceptable! That girl can make good food out anything, but it's rude to give her broken ingredients.
Ultimately, you decide to place your satchel on the grass near the place you met the ginger, and move up the trail to get another set of chilies.

Once getting what you need and returning to where you left your bag.
After placing the chilies back inside, you lift your bag and return it to its original position, hanging on your shoulder.
Much to your surprise, under the satchel you find a pair of black gloves. Wasn't that stranger who saved you wearing gloves before he left? Beside the gloves was the head of a glaze lily.


That guy is trying to flirt with you.

You don't even know his name, nor does he know yours.

Is he trying to tell you "come find me, bring my gloves back xoxo"?

It's summer in Liyue, what are the gloves for?

Your eye twitches and you pick up the silk gloves, shoving them in your bag. You then picked up the flower and placed it in your hair before following the Fatui's trail and walking to the harbor.

Next chapter I will spoil you with words !! Promise !!!

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⏰ Last updated: 3 hours ago ⏰

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