It is very dark, and I hear the crickets chirping softly in the night, my senses tingle as I hold my mother's hand,

"Child..." she whispers to me, I hear her soft voice ringing in my head, "know I love you so dearly, the stars light can never come close to the light in your heart. If I die tonight, just know I love you, and I hope with all I can that Pandor never hurts you..."

"No! M-Mother! D-Don't leave me! I need you!" I cry, my heart sagging in my chest.

"I want you to have this... you must never, never  let Pandor see you with this." She says to me, holding up a necklace that glows blue in the moonlight. I feel tears in my eyes. "Anastasia... My dear Anastasia... I love you so much... Take care of your father..." 

"Mother! Is there anything I can do? I'll call the medic! Don't leave me!" I cry out to her, grasping her hand tightly.

"Don't bother... I'll be safe in heaven, I pray for you, Anastasia..." She whispers to me.

"No! I'll-I'll save you! I-I know I can! Mother! Don't leave me! Please! I love you so much! You can't leave me!" I yelp, my eyes flooding with tears.

"I love you just as much and more... The medic will not make it in time, I promise you Anastasia... I will die and you will Succeed, for I will be watching you from heaven and doing all I can to protect you.." She says to me, I don't even say a word, I'm crying too hard, wouldn't you be? If your mother was dying? 

"I-I'll keep this away from Pandor. I promise! Just don't leave me!"

"I can't, the plague is too strong... I love you and your father... tell him I love him and how much I love you guys both... Anastasia, Be prepared to lose Your..." She trailed off as her life faded away, her eyes glazed over and her breathing stopped. My mother, Nathalie, was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2024 ⏰

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