Endless Summer - Gon Freecss

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The summer air was thick with the scent of salt and sun-drenched pine needles, wrapping itself around the small coastal town like an old blanket. Y/N kicked at a patch of wildflowers as she walked, casting a glance over her shoulder to see Gon jogging up the dirt path to catch up with her, his green hair bouncing slightly in the breeze. He skidded to a halt beside her, a wide grin splitting his face.

"Come on, slowpoke!" Gon teased, his voice as bright as the noontime sun. "There's still plenty of daylight left. The waterfall's not gonna wait forever, you know."

Y/N rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged at her lips. "It's not going anywhere, Gon. It's a waterfall. You know, the kind that just stays in one place?"

Gon laughed, a sound so pure and free it seemed to harmonize with the rustling leaves and distant crashing waves. "I just don't want to miss anything. Besides, there might be something new today. Like a rare frog, or... a mysterious cave. You never know!"

The two of them had been inseparable ever since they met at the beginning of summer. It was one of those chance encounters—Y/N had been reading a book in a tree at the park when Gon climbed up to catch a bird's nest that had fallen. They had startled each other, and when Y/N slipped and fell, Gon had been quick to catch her, laughter bubbling up from both of them even as they tumbled to the ground.

Now, they spent their days wandering wherever curiosity led them. Sometimes it was the beach, with its warm sand and hidden tide pools; other days, it was the forest trails that seemed to twist and turn like secret passages into other worlds.

Today, Gon had declared it a "waterfall day," and that was that.

As they reached the clearing, the waterfall came into view, cascading down the rocky cliff into a shimmering pool. Gon, true to form, didn't hesitate; he kicked off his shoes and leaped into the water, splashing wildly. Y/N laughed and followed suit, more cautiously dipping her toes in before wading deeper.

The cool water washed away the warmth of the sun, and for a while, they swam and played without a care in the world. Gon dove beneath the surface and emerged with a shiny pebble in hand, presenting it to Y/N as if it were a precious gem.

"For you, milady," he said with an exaggerated bow, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Y/N accepted it with a laugh. "Why, thank you, kind sir. I shall treasure it forever." She tucked the pebble into the pocket of her shorts, letting the playful banter fade into a comfortable silence as they floated on their backs, staring up at the sky.

It was in these quiet moments that Y/N sometimes found herself glancing at Gon a little too long, wondering if he noticed how her heart beat just a bit faster when he smiled at her like that. She wondered if he ever felt the same twinge of something when their hands brushed accidentally, or when he looked at her with that effortless kindness that seemed to radiate from him.

But she would always look away before he could catch her staring.

They wandered home as the sky turned pink and gold, drying off as they went. As they reached Y/N's house, she noticed Gon slowing down, a pensive look crossing his features.

"Hey," he said quietly, "do you ever think about... what happens after summer ends?"

Y/N paused, her hand resting on the gate. "I guess. I mean, we'll still see each other, right? It's not like we're going anywhere."

"Yeah, of course," Gon replied, though his voice lacked its usual lightness. "I just... don't want things to change, you know?"

For a moment, Y/N wanted to say it—that maybe they could stay just like this forever, that maybe there was something more between them that neither of them was brave enough to put into words. But the words got stuck in her throat, and she found herself nodding instead.

"Yeah," she whispered, "me neither."

Over the following weeks, the days seemed to blur together in a kaleidoscope of sunlight, laughter, and whispered secrets. Gon and Y/N spent their mornings exploring the wooded trails and their afternoons lazing by the beach. They shared ice cream cones that melted too quickly in the heat and raced each other along the shore, kicking up sprays of water that sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

One afternoon, while lounging on a grassy hill overlooking the ocean, Y/N pulled a pack of bubble gum from her pocket and offered a piece to Gon. He took it, his fingers brushing hers in a way that felt like a spark even in the warm summer air.

"Thanks," he said, chewing thoughtfully. After a moment, he blew a bubble, watching as it grew and stretched, catching the light. Y/N giggled when it popped, spraying pink gum back onto his nose.

"Hey!" Gon protested with a laugh, scrubbing at his face. "You know, you're really bad luck when it comes to bubble gum."

"I think you're just bad at blowing bubbles," Y/N teased, popping a bubble of her own. She looked at Gon from the corner of her eye, noticing how the sunlight turned his green hair golden at the edges. There was a quietness in her heart she hadn't quite felt before, a bittersweet longing that came from knowing something good might not last forever.

She quickly shook the feeling away, focusing instead on the rhythm of the waves and the hum of cicadas in the background.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in deep shades of violet and crimson, Gon and Y/N found themselves at their favorite spot by the old pier. It was a place where they could sit with their feet dangling above the water, listening to the gentle lapping of waves against the wooden posts.

Gon leaned back, his hands resting on the weathered boards, and sighed contentedly. "You know," he began, his voice softer than usual, "I don't think I've ever been this happy before."

Y/N turned to look at him, surprised by the serious tone in his voice. "What do you mean?" she asked, though she could feel her heart starting to race.

"I mean... this summer, and... being here with you." He shrugged, looking down at the water. "It just feels different, like... I don't know. Like something I don't want to end."

His words hung in the air, and for a moment, Y/N wasn't sure how to respond. She felt a flutter in her chest—excitement mixed with a tinge of sadness. It was the kind of feeling she had only ever read about in books, the kind that came when two characters were on the brink of something new and undefined.

"Me too," she said quietly. "It feels like... when you're blowing a bubble, and you just don't want it to pop."

Gon looked at her then, his green eyes searching hers as if trying to decipher some unspoken message. But before he could say anything more, Y/N looked away, suddenly feeling shy. "Come on," she said, standing up and brushing off her shorts. "We should head back before it gets too dark."

Gon hesitated, then nodded, following her lead. But something had shifted between them, like a delicate thread that had been pulled just a little too tight.

As the summer days began to dwindle, Y/N and Gon tried to make the most of every moment. There was an unspoken understanding between them now—a closeness that didn't need words to be felt. Sometimes, they still talked about the future, but there was less worry in their voices, as if they had both accepted that things would change, but that change didn't have to be scary.

On the last day of summer, they returned to the pier one more time. The air was cooler now, and the waves seemed gentler, as though even the ocean was bidding the season farewell. Y/N leaned over the railing and blew a bubble, watching as it grew larger and larger before finally popping in the breeze.

"See?" she said, glancing at Gon. "You just have to keep blowing until you get it right."

He grinned, and for a moment, they stood there, side by side, not needing to say anything more. Whatever the future held, they had this summer—an endless stretch of days filled with laughter, rain, and shared secrets. And that was enough.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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