Gearheart Chronicles is an epic adventure set in a post-apocalyptic junkyard world. The story follows a group of misfits known as the Junkyard Renegades, who embark on a perilous journey to find a haven free from the corrupting influence of the slim...
The community center, a ramshackle building cobbled together from spare parts, buzzes with activity. Minami distributes colorful scarves she knitted from recycled yarn to a group of nervous washing machines. Banchi, the gruff but kind engineer, wrestles with a malfunctioning toaster that keeps launching burnt toast across the room. Sabaru and Beet await for an important meeting bewteen the cyber guards of the Tanko Village. The room is full of other Cyber guards.
So these are all the cyber guards of Tank Village. They must all be planning on joining the deportation team to face off against the glitches.
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