just the beginning

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It was soon came the 11June, we had all to our parents and asked or demanded to go to 'Gememtelle' for a few days. Luckily we all found a way to convince our parents, on letting us go.

We had to take 2 cars to get there, lucky nick had an 8seater, four wheel drive and we didn't have to take 3 cars. Nick was driving his 4wheel drive, with Erin in the front seat next to him and Madi,Jack,Keegan,Jencia, Bry and kyle in the back. Then we had taken Jarrod's car with Jarrod the only one who could drive, Emma,Tom,Gemma and Jesse in the back seat, and me having to sit in the front with Jarrod. 

It felt like it took for ever, i was getting fed up of Gemma and Jesse talking all the time, both of them together would never shut up! I didn't hear much from Emma and Tom and soon found out why because, they were asleep snuggling up to each other. Ohh... i signed. Jarrod looked at me. what? i said. "nothing" Jarrod moaned. 

We finally got there. I looked out the window in amazment. Yay! i jumped out of the car. Emma and Tom woke up, i saw him quickly moving his hand after relising where it was. Gemma and Jesse also quickly ran outside. We all looked around at the amazing place. It had trees and bushes everywhere and a lake right in front of us with a mini waterfall. 

So we set up our stuff, and all the tents were up, everyones but gemma's. "i cant do it!" gemma yelled."ill do it babe". Jesse said. Then we were ready to do something fun.

The day unfortuantly soon went, and it was night time. We all sat around the camp fire, Jencia and Keegan were sitting on a log kissing, i noticed that gemma and jesse wern't even at the camp fire and they were in their tent. Kyle and Bry were sharing a blanket together sitting and emma was on toms lap and so on. "this is fun" Erin said. "mm.." madi said." What are we gonna do tomorrow?" Jarrod asked. I dont know?, i replyed. 

Then suddenly we all saw and heard planes goin' past. We all looked up even Gemma and Jesse poked there head out the tent to take a look. There were not only planes but, helicopeters. "OH MY GOSH" jencia shouted, hugging tightly to Keegan.

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