Chapter Seven: Secrets

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I saw my life flash before my eyes as Peter jumped. I screamed and held onto him for my life. I closed my eyes like the last time. I still hated heights.

Peter laughed as I continued to scream. Eyes closed, I punched him, but probably missing an effecting area, he continues to laugh. He pulled me closer. At that moment I felt safe. I don't know why though, I just did. I mean after all, the most powerful magical being is holding me, in his arms. Who wouldn't feel that way.

I felt the wind begin to slow down, so I began open my eyes slowly. When my vision became clearer I could see a giant skull like rock ahead of us, in the middle of the ocean. By the we landed it was sundown. I climbed off of Peter.

"Are we here now." I asked.

"Just about." He answered.

Peter took a seat, feet grazing the water at the rocks edge. He mentioned for me to sit down next to him. Slowly I took a seat and looked up. Peter leaned back.

"Now, tell me who you are."

I turned to him confused.

"What do you mean?"

Pan chuckled.

"I mean exactly what I said Max. Who are you?"

I looked down.

"To be honest, I really don't know."

"Oh really love?" He chuckled. "What's your name?"


Peter shook his head.

"What's your real name?"

I took a deep breath.


Peter's face dropped.

"As in the Evil Queens daughter."

I picked my head up and looked at the stars.

"Yep." I nodded.

"So your a princess?"

"Yes." I nodded again.

Peter stood up and began to pace.

"So let me get this straight. Your The Evil Queen's daughter, so that makes you a princess, and the running away part make you a runaway princess."

"You could say that yes."

I swung my feet over the water. Still pacing Peter spoke up again.

"Why would you runaway? I mean you had everything at your fingertips."

I shook my head.

"Yes, but what I wanted was freedom and that was the one thing that I couldn't have."

"That's where your feeling of lost comes in, Lost Girl."

Peter exaggerated when he said Lost Girl. He extended his hand.

"Come with me."

I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up.

"Where are we doing now?" I asked.

He stopped walking and looked me in the eye.

"Now I'm telling you who I am."


Max was quiet as I led her up the rock stairs ahead of us. Occasionally, there would be a noise and Max would grab onto my arm. I chuckled, and she punched me on the shoulder.

"Ow." I turned back and grabbed it with my free hand.

I earned a smirk from the blazing blue eyed girl. I scoffed and continued to lead her to the top. Once in a while I would look back, only to catch a smile from Max.

The opening in the wall was finally in sight. I quickly took a deep breath and climbed the last three steps.

"Here we are love."

Max looked around in awe and wonder. She stepped back, not knowing that she was about to back into something very important.


I chuckled.

"Careful love, that can hurt."

"Not you tell me." She mumbles. "What is that thing and why is it here?"

I take a long look at the hour glass in front of me.

"Well, what do you think it is?" I asked.

"An hour glass?"

"Well no duh." I laughed.

I earned a another punch to the shoulder from her.

"What do you think it's for though?" I continued.

"A countdown?"

"Close." I advised.

"A timer?"

"So close!"

"Ugh! Just tell me already!" She yelled in frustration.

"Fine, it's a timer, or like you said a countdown."

"For......" She beckoned me to continue.

"For me."

The joy in her eyes disappeared.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

I pointed to the falling sand.

"When the sand runs out at the top, I die."


"Because of a deal that I made a long time ago."

"What kind of a deal?"

I sighed.

"Just full of questions aren't you?" I laughed.

"Didn't you say that the first time we met?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." I agreed. "Well, the deal was about my youth and I-"

I explained to Max my entire past life, including my son, Rumplestilskin, or in her realm, The Dark One. Once I finished her jaw wanted to dropdown to the floor.

I laughed.

"Yeah, I know. A lot to take in just about one person."

She took a seat at the ledge of the hour glass. I followed her and did the same. She looked at me, and I looked at her. I melted inside.

What the hell Pan?! Your not supposed to be falling in love! You can't fall in love!

Max was about to lean in when I stood up.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I spat, but quietly regretting it.

"What do you mean?" She asked. She also stood up and was now crossing her arms.

I sighed and let a chuckle slip out.

"What, did you really think that kiss actually meant something?"

She slowly lifted a hand to her lips. I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. She tried to hide it, but wasn't very good at it. She closed her eyes and combed back a fallen piece of hair behind her ear.

Out of the two of us, I k ew that I was feeling the most pain.

Your doing this for her own good, not yours. You're doing her a favor. She has to go back to the Enchanted Forest, and she won't go if she's in love.

She sighed.

"I think I should go."

"So do I." I replied.

I snapped my fingers and she disappeared. I sat back down and ran a hand through my hair.

"Why did I just do that?"

I let my head fall into my hands.

"I just pushed her away."

The Same Two Kinds (Peter Pan OUAT Fanfiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now