Chapter Seventeen: Tricks and Lies

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You know what guys. Screw it, I'm posting a chapter. I really don't need anything, but your guys support. So I hope you enjoy this chapter. Right now I'm and the Steelers vs. Ravens game with my dad. GO STEELERS! I was soooooooo close into getting my terrible towel signed by and take a picture with Brett Kesiel, but the stupid lady that was with him was being rude. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and please comment, vote, and like!



Felix found me pacing into the center of the camp the next morning.

"Your up early." He smirked. "And look terrible! How'd you sleep?"

I rubbed my eyes.

"I didn't."

Felix took a seat, and I grew more uneasy. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking. For the first time since I became Peter Pan I felt terrified. I don't know what to do.

After a while Felix got up.

"You have a few more hours, so my guess is to tell the boys now."

I picked my head up and looked at the sun, now high in the sky. I got up and began to follow Felix back to camp. I was offered food, but I wasn't hungry. I was too stressed to eat. I called Felix over.

"When the boys are done eating, call for a gathering."

He nodded and walked away.

After a while Lost Boys began to fall in. I took a seat on my stump until I was sure they were all here. Another ten minutes passed and Felix came back. He gave me a nod, so I stood up. All eyes were on me, and again I was terrified. I swallowed hard and looked to the Lost Boys.

"I'm sure by now that you all know that Max was captured by Hook yesterday."

There were nods and whispers.

"Hook gave me a ransom. He said that if I want Max back, I'll have to take her place. If I don't he'll...."

I stopped. I just couldn't get the words out.

"He'll kill her."

More whispers came.

"So this leads me to why I had Felix call you all in. I have made my final decision, and so today by sundown I will go to Hook's ship and take Max's place."

The Lost Boys stared at me with wide eyes, and some even booed.

"Do you want Max to die!" I yelled.

Everything stopped. It was as if the world had froze. The Lost Boys all looked downtown the ground.

"No we don't!" A voice answered.

I looked around and saw that the voice belonged to Aeron, one of Max's few and most trusted friends.

"Then you all understand why I have to do this."

I hopped off the stump.

"You are dismissed"

And I walked into my tent and sat on my bed.

"Peter Pan finally went soft."

I let out a soft chuckle and walked to a chest of Max's things on the other side. With a wave of my hand I unlocked her things. There were clothes, boots, but I stopped when I saw a chain with a key. I remembered the time when she told me that her mother used to lock her in her room with this key. I put it back in the chest and locked it up.

I sat on my bed again and let my eyes wander across the room, which I probably shouldn't have. My eyes came into contact with her bow. I couldn't take it anymore. I stormed out of my tent and ran my hands through my hair. I looked up at the setting sun.

"You should get going in case Hool gets impatient."

I turned around to face Felix.

"Yeah." I nod. I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders.

"Tell the boys to take care until I return."

"Until you return?" Felix asked confused. "I don't understand."

I smirked.

"I have no intention of staying in Hooks custody after Max is here, safe."

Felix makes a sly smile and nods me off. With one last look at the camp I take off in search of the Jolly Rodger.

"Don't worry Max, I'm coming."


I awoke to the sound of metal hitting metal. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that my cage door was open.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" I carried on as two pirates grabbed my arms, dragging me up onto the deck. The sun blinded me, but I could make out a tall figure with a silver hook.

"Ah, there she is! My ticket to revenge!"

"He's not coming!" I yelled back.

Hook laughed and grabbed my face.

"Oh but love, why don't you take a look to the sky."

His hand jerked my neck up, only for my eyes to see a flying figure in the sky. A small tear escaped my eye.

Why did he come?

While I was in tears Hook was in joy as his biggest enemies landed on his ship.

"About time mate! I was starting to think you wouldn't come."

Hook gazed at his hook. He walked over to me and put his hook to my neck.

"Have we made a choice?"

"Let her go Hook!" Peter demanded, his voice now stronger than before.

"Ah! We have!" Hook sang.

"I said let her go." You could see the fire in Pan's eyes.

"Yes, yes of course, but first your part of the bargain."

I caught a glimpse of Peter's attention.

"Peter don't!" I yelled, but he just ignored.

Peter held out both his arms, and Hook, smiling placed a cuff on each one. Instantly, Peter fell down to his knees. I tried to run to him, but the Pirates held their grip around my arms.

Weakly, Peter spoke up.

"Now for your end."

Hook just continued to smile.


The pirates relates add their grip and I ran to Peter's side. I put my arms around him and helped him up. As he stood I had him meet my gaze.

"You idiot, why would you do this?"

"Because I love you." And he closed the gap of just inches between our lips. He only pulled away because he was short of breath. I looked into his eyes and cupped his face in my hands.

"I lo-" I started as Hook grabbed me before I could finish.

"What are you doing?" Peter weakly managed to get out. "We made a deal!"

"And I held your side of the deal boy!" Hook yelled as he kicked Peter in the side.

Once again Peter fell to his knees in pain.

"But now, I have a new deal to fulfill." Hook laughed.

I turned to look at Peter when a familiar haunting laughed echoed through the air. Hook turned me around to face the one person I never expected to see again. My mother. She grabbed my arm and looked to Hook.

"Well done Hook, you get your revenge. And Max my dear, well done playing Pan." She smiled.

My heart stopped. I turned to look at Peter. Once again there was fire in his eyes, but this time, it was all directed towards me.

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