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He stood stiffly as he took the old, yellow tinted paper his butler had handed him. The initial M.R was scrawled plainly on the fold of the paper. It was a letter from her, that dead bastards partner in the private scientist chip advancement lab. He had long gotten over her and the scandal she had caused, but she had showed up in bright headlines on the newspaper. She had finally come out of hiding after 5 years, and S.C.O.R.P.I.O had escorted her to a questioning cell. 

He had no idea how she managed to send him this note, and though the sane part of his brain told him to just burn it or send it to S.C.O.R.P.I.O headquarters, the smaller, usually more quiet side of his brain told him to read it. Though he had a strong dislike for Melissa Roberts, he knew that despite her stubborn personality and her need to always stick her nose where it wasn't wanted, she knew what she was doing and didn't care how other people saw her. He respected that much at least. 

 Sitting down at his desk, he unfolded the old, crinkled note and grabbed his cup of coffee, taking a sip, before looking over the letter.

Hello John. 

I know your surprised to be getting this from me, considering Ive been gone so long and now I'm in a jail cell. And who knows, you might have thrown this away by now, thinking that you already spoiled your wealthy hands by touching this. 

But knowing you and your undying curiosity, I'm sure you are reading because like it or not, i know you well enough by now to understand how nosey you are. 

He couldn't help but scowl at that, but continued reading anyway. 

Anyways, i wanted to put you mind at ease for now. I know your loyalty to S.C.O.R.P.I.O long surpasses your loyalty to me, if you have any for me that is, but i know you'll keep quiet. 

Jonathan didn't die due to a fire, and I know you know that because you've never bought any of that crap. You know better, you know he was killed and his death was planned. 

You also know why. 

Ive managed to find a cure that can remove the chip without permanently damaging the body, but it was taken away when they searched me. The only other copy of the cure is back with the crew at the hideout. No i am not telling you where it is. Maybe if you are cooperative and help me then i'll let you in on the plan. 

But for now i need you to do a favor for me. You may hate me and you may not want to help someone close to Jonathan, but you and i both know that you want revenge and this is the only way. 

There's someone else who can take my place in the scheme to take down S.C.O.R.P.I.O but she doesn't know anything about the scheme. She hasn't even met me yet. But she's going to find out about S.C.O.R.P.I.O soon and I need you to be there when it happens. 

You know her my friend, you told me you two played as children. So this shouldn't be to hard for you.  Her name's Jeriane Reed. Ring any bells? I thought so. 

I want you to keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't learn too much. Though i loved her father very much, I cant allow her to die because of the information she finds. If she tries to take down S.C.O.R.P.I.O alone, take her down before she can. Lead S.C.O.R.P.I.O to her if you have to, but make sure they don't kill her. If they give her the chip, give Rat' the code on the back of this note, and he'll tell you what to do. 

You became one of us when you signed the blood oath my friend, so i know your not going to back out of this. 

Make me proud, 


-Credit to Jami1012, a co-writer of this novel, for making the cover and banner.

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