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I've changed.
From the little girl I used to be,
To the girl I am now.
Sometimes I wish I was never a girl to begin with.
Sometimes I wish I was never born.
There's no way to change who you were unless you understand that you were who you wanted to be.
I have pictures of the little girl I used to be.
I look into her uncomfortable eyes and wonder what it was like knowing I have had the same problems since I was 8.
She looks so uncomfortable yet happy.
She doesn't look like me.
If I showed someone that picture they'd ask who it was.
I'd tell them it was me and they'd never believe me.
All I see when I look into my eyes now is the same discomfort and how tired I am.
I hate who I am.
I love who I've changed to.
But I still hate who I am.
Why did I get this body?
Why do I always suffer everyday knowing I dread everything the next day?

A little something to do with me hating who I am

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