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he's there every night, in my dreams. it's always the same dream. he sits there with the tree and cry, sitting in fetal position and cry. I always go forward to him, even if we never had talked to each other before so I suffer of his sadness. I sit squatting in front of him and lay my hand a little awkard on his shoulder. He stop breath a while until he look up at me.
"Maggie? it's that your name?" he says with a thick voice and look at me with bloodshots eyes.
"ehm yes. what has happened to you?"
"i don't think that..
always in his sentence it start to pour and then he standed up, wipe away the tears on the shirt and run down on the meadow and leave me alone in the rain.

so've it been in months, I know who the guy is. his name is Harry and going in the class over me, I'm junior at Angelina Priors High School, a pretty smal school to be high school, around 500 people who ethier is  chug, bad at everything and do whatever it takes to be hotest in school. or so are they jerks who know and can everything and don't care about how the looks. I'm not one of them. actually I'm the only one who don't know who I am. the only thing I know is that I am crazy, sick in the head, it isn't my fault, but Tobhias Jones. the devil to ex-boyfriend who has follow after me in two years. I've diagonosis Schizophrenia and this is my story.

chapter 1 is out on monday, have so much ideas to this story so I don't know how to do this book without it's going to be crazy haha.
for you who don't know what Schizophrenia is so it's that a disease where you can not distinguish between reality and fantasy. so you often fantasize up people or others things. people who has Schizophrenia can't separate fantasy with reality. it don't exist a really medicine for this disease and you can't be infected either. vote and comments please, love Darcy

SchizophreniaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora