Chapter Fifteen: I Need You

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I woke up to hear chatting. None of the boys were in their beds. I got up and quickly took a shower. I changed into some skinny jeans and a tee, leaving the outfit casual. I strolled into the living room. They weren't happy looking at all. Harry gave them all a "shut-up-or-I'll-bite-you-look." Yeah, it did look like a bite you look. I sat down next to Niall. He smiled at me. "Good morning!" I said.

"Morning," they said at the same time. Except Harry.

I looked at him, he wouldn't look at me. He turned his head the other way. I sat back in my seat, already feeling defeated.

"Tay, we have a concert tonight," Zayn announced.

I nodded and sighed. I kind of wanted to just stay home and do nothing but it was okay.

"You hungry?" Liam asked.

I nodded. "I'll make something myself," I said and got up, making my way to the kitchen. The moment I left they started whispering again. I sighed and poured a bowl of cereal. I sat at the table and ate. I heard Harry raise his voice then I heard a door shut. Did Harry leave?

Louis came out and sat with me, sighing and rubbing his facea. He lay his head back and closed his eyes, breathing loudly.

"What happened?" I asked, worried.

"Harry. He is in a bit of a grumpy mood right now," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why? Is he alright?"

"Yeah, it's okay." Louis smiled at me, clearly trying to convince himself more then me.

I give him a weak smile back. I wanted to know what's wrong with Harry, but he left. I sighed, standing from where I was sat and leaving my bowl in the sink. When I turned, Zayn was coming into the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled before speaking, "We have to leave now," he said, patting my shoulder, "Harry'll meet us there."

I nodded and we got out of the bus. We were parked at the studio already. I walked in and we went upstairs. Harry wasn't there.

"You excited for tonight?" Simon asked.

The boys all nodded. They begin turning the heads in all directions, looking around.

"Harry was already here, we're going to do a sound check and head to the O2 Arena," Simon spoke again.

The boys sang their hearts out. They're really great singers.


I waited backstage with Louis and Niall when we arrived at the arena. We were waiting for Harry while Liam and Zayn were doing sound check. They were on in an hour and Harry wasn't here yet. Louis was clearly very worried. He knew why Harry wasn't here, I know he did.

The stage door flew open and Harry suddenly came in. I smiled widely at him and he saw me but kept a blank expression, ignoring my gesture. Louis stood up and dragged him into hair and makeup room before I could try talk to him. When Niall noticed what had just happened, he gave me a light smile before leaving for sound check. Louis came out and did the same. After about 15 minutes, Harry came out. He kept his head down, ignoring me.

In an hour they were out on stage, singing their hearts out. Harry seemed upset the whole time though. He wouldn't talk at all. I was really worried about him.

After the concert, he looked like he was about to cry. He spoke quietly into the mic. "Thanks for coming, love you all so much." He then walked off stage with the rest of them. Harry stormed out to God knows where. He didn't even say anything. He never acts like this, I thought to myself.

Taken // One Direction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now