It's been two months since it started. From several meteorites that crashes in different countries, it began. Parasitic worms called "Necrosites" by the American government came out, and infect unfortunate victims, turning them into a thing called "Necro" after entering their brains, and take over of their mind and bodies. Necrosites were known to be capable of asexual reproduction and could spread its eggs, by placing them into the gums and teeth of the host, to which be transmitted through bite. These eggs can stay dormant until it is inside a new host. Some hosts were even found to have more than one Necrosites in a single body. These Necrosites won't live for too long without a host, but if it ever infects two or more hosts, then it's more than Hell. Over time, some Necro evolved as the Necrosites modified them, creating a lot of other variants aside from the standard ones.
RARITY: Common
DESCRIPTION: Standard Necro variants that were only capable of shambling while walking, making these variants pretty slow, and are easier to kill if alone. However, a horde of Saunters were still dangerous.
Named by: Ezra Cassiel
RARITY: Common
DESCRIPTION: Standard Necro variants that were capable of running, aggressive, and are much dangerous than Saunters. However, they're still as vulnerable as their walking counterparts.
Named by: Ezra CassielEzra Cassiel, a young man who's once a highschool student, a nerd that once trying to survive his bullies, but now he is trying to survive against thousands of mindless biters. He is a bit timid, yet clever enough to help himself survive against the Necro.
Right now, Ezra had just came out of an abandoned cabin he is using as a hideout and to store his own supplies. He is alone in this town now, well that's what he thinks. As he went out, he saunters around the wooden part of Texas, armed with a crowbar in his hand, and a backpack if ever he could find some supplies or anything valuable to keep. On his way, he came across an almost decaying Necro that he calls "Husk". This Husk is shambling slower than its sauntering counterparts. Its face almost look like mummified cadaver, along with its lanky right arm and a now missing left arm, presumably from being too decayed or other circumstances.
RARITY: Common
Description: Husk were Saunters and Volatiles that were too decayed to be controlled by Necrosites. Some of them will even die from being too decayed, along with Necrosites and the eggs inside it. It is much easier than any other variants, but still a little dangerous when in horde.
Name: Husk from Minecraft
Named by: Ezra CassielAs Ezra saw the Husk, he gets ready to give it a whack on the head, but before he could do so, the decaying Necro fell down on the ground before him. It then stopped growling, hinting that it, and its parasitic inhabitant is dead. He sighed and continued. As he arrived on the street side, he came across a horde of Saunters, around six of them. They are all growling, and were heading towards him. Ezra became scared, but he did all he can to whack them with crowbars. He managed to kill two, but his fear gets the better of him, causing his legs to quiver as the four other Necro advanced.
He is about to whack the crowbar, but a gunshot interrupted him and the Necro, a bullet suddenly fly towards one of the Saunters and it buried in its head straight to its skull and brain, killing the Saunter instantly.
This startles Ezra, but before he could even compose himself, another three gunshots can be heard, killing the other remaining Saunters.
"What the hell?..." Ezra mutters before slowly turning his attention towards the direction of the shooter. To his surprise, the shooter was a young woman, holding a pistol. She stared at him with an almost expressionless gaze.

HorrorThe world is suffering from a Zombie Apocalypse after countless of meteorites crashed on every nations of Earth. Would Ezra and Nyx survive?