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New York City, 1965

"Wait, we're what?"
Lucille Moore didn't think she had ever experienced pure shock until this moment, when her blood turned ice cold.
"Dad.. You can't be serious. Please tell me you're kidding," Lucille wrinkled her nose in distaste at the horrible news her father was delaying to her.

"I'm afraid I'm serious." Mr. Moore sighed as he rubbed his hand across his dark brown hair. "We're moving to Virginia, in a few weeks."

"Where?" Carter, Lucille's older brother, couldn't help but ask again, as he was also in shock of the sudden news.

"Yeah, I don't even think that's a real place." Lucille hissed in a sarcastic tone.
"Of course it's a real place, stop being so childish." Mrs. Moore spoke up. "Stop being so childish!"

"Well I don't want to move," Lucille whined, wrapping her arms around her chest as she pouted.

"Being immature is not going to fix any situation. Why can't you act more like your brother?" Mr. Moore frowned.
Lucille groaned. That's all she ever heard in her life. "Why can't you be like your brother?"
"I don't want to leave though, dad!" Lucille argued, letting out an exasperated sigh and flinging her arms to add more drama. "I've lived my entire life her in New York and its Carter's final year of high school. You can't expect me to immediately be accustomed to a new place!"

"Lucille, enough. Your mother and I have enough stress as it is. We are moving next week whether you like it or not, dammit." Mr. Moore stomped at Lucille. Lucille was devastated. Here she was, living in the most exciting city in the world and now she was moving to a place she has never heard of. What about her friends? Lucille became more and more teary eyed as she thought about it.
"This is so unfair!" She cried, failing to hold her strong stature and began to let her tears roll down her face.
"Darling, it's nothing to get upset about. Life is not always fair," Mrs. Moore came to Lucille, wrapping an arm around her and rubbing her shoulder, as she recited advice Lucille had heard hundreds of times.

Lucille shrugged her mother off, "Well, life is lumpy."
Carter looked at his red-eyed sister as his face softened, "We can get through this together. We'll have each other so we don't have to face it totally alone right?" He lightly pushed her shoulder to lighten the dim mood. Lucille smiled, "I suppose." If Carter can be strong for her, she can be strong for him. "But I'm telling you Carter, this is the end of life as we know it,"

Little did Lucille know, it was only the beginning.

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