Hidden Laboratory.
Orochimaru kept a close watch on Tsunade's vitals and he was beginning to see slight improvement. 'Her fever has gone down and vitals are slowly climbing. Her body is starting to adapt. It won't be long now. A day. Maybe two. By then her genes would evolve into new ones. I don't need to wait for it to be completed. I can extract what I need and then perfect it at my lab.'
The Snake Sannin's sinister gaze then turned to the sleeping Shizune. The young medic was mentally and physically tired after using almost all her chakra to keep her teacher alive. Orochimaru almost sighed as he thought about what he would do with her.
'It's a shame to kill someone with such talent in medical ninjutsu. But if I let you live then your only goal in life would become revenge. I won't make the mistake of letting a potential threat live unlike my foolish sensei.'
The pale skinned man turned his attention back to the unconscious Senju. 'In a way, killing her is a kindness. I'll be sparing her of all those years of misery.'
Orochimaru decided to take a little break himself and quietly exited the room. He looked at the nearby clock on the wall and frowned. 'There is still no report from Guren. So either she hasn't captured Daichi yet or she failed.'
Orochimaru sat in his chair and thought about the mission he assigned the woman. 'She's strong. Even Kakashi would have a hard time against her alone. Let alone the whole team with her... So she must not have gotten her hands on Daichi yet. Is sensei concerned for his safety because of what happened with Tsunade? Is the boy's movements restricted?'
As he was pondering on the movement of the Leaf village, Sakon appeared and kneeled.
"Has there been any developments?" Orochimaru asked his subordinate.
"Some my Lord. The patrol squads from the Hidden Stone have increased. Especially near the border and they've increased security." Sakon replied with his head down.
"Has anyone entered the barrier?"
"No. They haven't even come close. Since this area falls under the Minister's jurisdiction they are careful."
Orochimaru nodded. "Make sure to keep an eye on the surroundings. I don't want any unexpected surprises."
"Yes my Lord." Sakon was silent for a few moments before he spoke again. "Lord Orochimaru. Was Guren successful? Did she capture the boy?"
A few moments of silence passed before the Sannin decided to answer. "I haven't received any information from them yet. But I have no doubt that she'll complete the mission."
Sakon nodded. He wanted to ask more but refrained himself. A moment later he disappeared from his master's side and was on the uppermost floor keeping an eye on the defenses around the barrier.
"That wasn't smart. Questioning our Lord." Sakon heard a small voice coming from behind.
"Ukon. You're awake."
"Yes. The side effects of that drug have been purged from my system." Ukon replied.
Sakon could feel the changes in his brother's body. "I just wanted to know if there were any complications with the plan we put in place." He told his brother.
Ukon was "Hm... Daichi Hekima. I'm curious to see him in action. After all, he's going to be Lord Orochimaru's new vessel. Guren better be careful and not mess this up."
Sakon agreed with that sentiment. "Do you really think the boy will survive the curse seal and the new woodstyle serum injection?" He wanted to know what Ukon thought.

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 02]
ActionThe universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My second life brought me to a world where people breath fire, walk on water and some people with special eyes that give them bullsh#t powers. Well, I got the gamer ability. And I'm gon...