Chapter 285 - Orochimaru: Path from Light to Dark

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The three Genins of Team Guy stood in the middle of their training ground and looked at their sensei.

Might Guy looked at his team with a big smile and gave them all a thumbs up. "Alright team since we've completed another C Rank mission, there won't be any missions for you for a few days. So take the next few days to train on your own and improve your skills and if you need any help just come to me."

"Yes sensei!" Came the reply from Lee, Neji and Tenten.

"Um, sensei, do you think the commotion last night was resolved?" Tenten asked the green spandex wearing Jonin. Their team had returned late last night from the mission and saw that the village was on high alert. After reporting to the Hokage of their arrival the three Genins and Jonin went their separate ways.

"Yes. There was a problem at the prison and the inmates escaped. The village was on lockdown to capture them. I'm happy to say that the situation is resolved." Guy nodded and replied with a grin.

The Genins were satisfied with that answer but before they could ask anything else a Jonin appeared near Guy. He whispered something in their teacher's ear and the students saw Guy's face turn to shock.

"Is that true?" Might Guy couldn't help but ask Raido.

"It seems so. You need to get to the tower."

"I understand." Guy nodded and Raido vanished with the body flicker jutsu. The bowl cut Jonin turned to his student and they saw the serious expression on the man's face.

"What is it sensei? What's wrong?" Lee asked with concern.

"I'm afraid I can't say. I might not be available for the next couple of days. So you'll need to train on your own. Dismissed." Guy disappeared without saying anything more which puzzled the Genins.

"Something serious must have happened in the village." Neji spoke up.

"But what?" Tenten questioned.

"I don't know..." Neji didn't say anything more. He was keeping a close eye on his teacher's expression and he thought he saw fear on the man's face for a split second. 'What happened for sensei to have that kind of reaction?'


Kakashi was walking down the road reading his favorite book when he suddenly sensed a familiar chakra rushing towards him. 'Raido? It seems he's in a hurry too.'

The next moment the Hokage guard appeared and spoke with the silver haired Jonin. Kakashi's visible eye widened as he heard the shocking news. "To think Orochimaru would do such a thing."

"Yeah. This might as well be his declaration of war against the village." Raido spoke. "You need to get to the tower quickly. The Hokage is putting together a team to investigate."

Kakashi nodded to Raido and the Jonin vanished. The silver haired ninja pocketed his book and let out a deep breath of air. He had one thought at the moment.

'I wonder what Daichi is going to do?'

The next instant the copy ninja vanished from his spot. His destination: The Hokage Tower.


At this time several other Jonins were also being informed of the situation and they were immediately making their way to the tower.

Hokage Tower.

"Reason number two... To use Tsunade sensei as an experiment."

When Hiruzen heard those words it was as if his strength left his body. All sounds from the surrounding disappeared for him and the old leader felt numb. For some reason the memories he had of Orochimaru from his childhood days to the day he betrayed the village rushed to the forefront of his mind.

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