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"And now I just sit in silence." The last words of Car Radio echo throughout the stadium before thousands of people cheer, including me. 

Tyler jumps off the piano and gives Josh a high five while jumping up and down like a hyper kid and grinning widely. 

They're such dorks. I think and smile. But they're MY dorks. 

"Thank you, New York!" Josh yells into the microphone before more noise erupts from the giant crowd. The stage goes dark and they exit, leaving the audience wanting more.

I head for the exit, among with all the others, feeling sad that the concert is over.


I walk to the parking lot and reach into my pockets for the keys. 

No, this can't be happening. They're gone. 

I walk to the place where I parked my car in the deserted parking lot and it's gone. Crap! All my money and clothes were in there! After all, I literally just drove here a couple hours ago to live here. And I heard they were giving a concert so I went and my car is gone! Everything I brought here is gone! Oh my gosh, my phone is in there too. Oh no. 

All I can do is wait by the entrance and hope a cab comes with the little money I have left in my pocket.


Once in a while I'll see a piece of trash fly by or a pigeon. Wow, what a sight to see. And for some reason the winds picking up badly and it's getting really cold. There are barely any stars out either. Weird. 

I feel a single drop of water fall from the sky, and then BAM! It's a monsoon out here now! The rain pours down hard, and I don't think it's gonna stop any time soon. The wind makes it unbearably cold too. Greaty-great-great. Just what I needed.

I run and huddle under the safety of the shade from a concession stand. I shiver and my teeth chatter.

Great, now I'm going to die of hypothermia out in front of a stadium.

That is, until I hear a voice come from the alley beside me. 

"Man, its raining cats and dogs out here, Ty. See you at my place at nine tomorrow? Great. Drive save, buddy. Bye!" 

No, it cannot be Joshua William Dun emerging from the alley. I am not about to meet my celebrity crush in the rain like this. It has to be some random guy whose voice sound exactly like Josh's. If it is him I will do a backflip and die. I'm not even joking. 

I see some pink haired dude in a leather jacket, muscle shirt, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. Josh Dun confirmed. 

Oh my God. He's standing right in front of me. 

He looks right at me and runs over to me, his boots splashing in the rain. 

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing out here? Are you okay?" He helps me up and looks at me with those adorable eyes. 

silence // josh dun fanfic + twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now