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Hi guys! My name is Kortney. I've been reading so much fanfiction lately I just felt like writing one. I have wrote one before but deleted it. I wasn't too proud of it. I lost track of everything and it was a mess. I'm hoping to have better organization and all that this time. I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors. I'm only 14 so it won't be as perfect and have as big of words as a John Green book. (He's my fav author) but okay. Let's get this started! This will mostly be in Brooklyn's POV and I'm hoping it won't be one of those cliché, you can always guess what happens next books. I'm just going to let my creativity take over! Hope you enjoy it(: oh and my crappy edit of Brooklyn is there if you want to see it. I want to make a new one for each chapter but idk.

Mrs. All American // Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now