Chapter 23 || When The Day Met The Night

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Hey, remember that one day in August where I said I'd post the end of this story before school started, yeah last time I checked, it's December now. So I'm soooo terribly sorry about that wait! As soon as I came back from my trip to Paris, I kinda had to go to school so I've been focusing on that these past few months. Also, I've been basically writing and coming up with so many ideas and none of them were remotely related to this story which kind of put me off. But now that it's winter break, I've got two full week(e)s (ha, get it) to keep you guys happy. So yeah, the next chapter is the probably the last and then the sequel!

"Hey, pass the Sharpie!"

"Shhh! Can you be any louder?"

"Obviously not-"

"You're going to get pushed out of the car if you do what I think you're about to do."

"Will you two just shut up before he wakes up!?"

Manuel shifted in his sleep and Bastian and I froze in our places, expecting Manuel to open his eyes only to find Bastian leaning over him with a pen to his face.

"Eyes on the road, Müller," Basti reminded him as he turned around in the passenger seat so he was once more facing Manuel, who sat directly behind him. I don't know at what point during the morning we had discovered stowaways in the car, but following a long argument, Manuel and Bastian were seated in the car and patiently waiting for the departure. It was only after, that they'd texted what was half the time, after asking for permission of course, and invited them for another 'we-won-the-world-cup' party. Because there weren't enough of those in Rio and Berlin.

"You guys are just going to end up waking him up," Thomas piped in, throwing a glance over his shoulder at us before turning back towards the empty roam front of us.

"Maybe if you didn't drive like my grandmother, we'd actually get there before he woke up," Basti retorted and I quickly fist bumped him before Thomas noticed.

"Taking sides with my enemies isn't nice, Liebe," he said and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"Who said I was nice?" I inquired, poking the back of his neck. I could see his jaw locking from my seat directly behind him as he tried not to laugh.

"You aren't, so why don't you try to be by letting me sleep," Manuel's sleepy voice commented, earning an unmanly shriek from Basti.

"I think Marco's been dethroned as sass queen," Basti muttered just as Manuel kicked the back of his seat.

"Hey, no violence in the car," I warned the two blondes.

"Yeah, do you want me to drive the car into a tree?" Thomas asked them.

"If that will get us there any faster, then go ahead," Manuel said, smirking as he teased Thomas.

"This is why I thought we should bring Mats and Benni," I sighed, talking to no one in particular.

"Oh please, we're so much better than those losers," Basti scoffed, smiling lightly as he joked about his beloved teammates.

"At least we're all in the same club," Bastian added and Thomas and Manu nodded.

"What does that change?" I inquired.

"They're, like, the best of best friends and they're in different clubs! Can you imagine if I didn't play for Bayern? Or Manu and Tom didn't play there? We'd probably get on each other's nerves more than we do now," Basti explained.

"Friendship is stronger than a football club, Basti. You of all people should know that," Thomas chimed in.

"Whatever. I've got you two and I've got Fips and I'm not planning on going anywhere so it doesn't matter, okay?" Basti said, somewhat angrily.

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