Kik'n between hayes and aaron
A: did you tell him?
H: yeah
A: good good
H: aaron?
A: yeah...?
H: um, would you like to take the dying boy to prom?
A: of course, i was even wondering if the beauitful boy would be my boyfriend.
H: id love that, aaron.
A: i l o v e y o u
H: i l o v e y o u t o o
grillin ☆ cash
Fanficcam gets several messages from an anon and he falls, unexpectedly, in love with the pervy creep whom stalks his blog. 》》Crossdressing!cam 《《 》》preverted! nash 《《 》》based off the book tumblr model -muke- 《《 ■■ side ship of haaron ■■ ●nayes close br...