Second date

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I hope she'll like what I've planned for our date.
It's the best thing I could think of. And she once said that she really wanted to do that.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing. I looked on the caller id and smiled. It said 'Beautiful Blonde ;)💗'.
I picked up with a: "Hey Bree!"

(A=Aubrey | B=Beca)

A: Hey Becs!
B: What's up?
A: I just wanted to know what I should wear for our date.
B: Something elegant but not too overdressed. Just light make up.
A: Okay. And will you please tell me where we'll go?
B: Nope. You have to wait. Just how I had to at our first date.
A: Fine.
B: I'll pick you up at 7pm.
A: Okay. I love you. Bye.
B: I love you too. Bye.

I put the phone back down and headed towards my wardrobe to look what I'll wear but I had no clue what would look good so I called Stacie like I did at the first date.
I told her what we'd do and she immediately knew what I should wear. I thanked her and took all the things she said out of my wardrobe.
Why does she know I have these? I didn't even know it by myself.
I placed the things on my bed and took my towel. Then I went to the shower rooms. Every booth was empty so I started singing. I sang 'Goosebumps', the song Aubrey was singing when she tried to kill herself. I don't know why but the song is stuck in my head since then. I even put it into one of my mixes.
When I was done showering I went back to my dorm and dressed with the things that Stacie told me. I looked at the mirror and smiled.
It looked really nice.
I hurried to apply makeup and do my hair because it was already 6:30 pm. I applied light makeup just how I told Aubrey. I put on some heels and grabbed my purse and the keys.  Then I left.
I was a bit late but I just made it in time to Aubrey's flat. I rang the doorbell and when the door was opened I was greeted by Chloe.
"Hey Beca. Aubrey's nearly ready. We just have to finish her makeup. You can sit on the couch and wait." Chloe said and stormed out of the room. I sat down and waited but I didn't have to wait long because Chloe came back with Aubrey behind her. I smiled as I saw the blonde hair curled up and falling simple on Aubrey's shoulders but I couldn't see the rest of her body until Chloe stepped to the side.
That's what she did now and what I could see now caught my breath.
"Oh my gosh. You're so beautiful!" I said as I found my breath again.
"Thanks." She said and blushed. I stepped forward to hug her but hesitated because I didn't want to ruin her outfit. Aubrey just laughed and embraced me.
"You don't have to worry about my outfit!" She laughed and gave me a kiss on my nose tip. I smiled and asked: "Ready to go?" Aubrey nodded and we left.
As we sat in the car she asked me where we'll go but I just told her it's a secret and I won't say a single thing or give her a hint. She sighed but agreed. We drove for about 30 minutes until we finally reached the destination.
"Why are we at the harbor?" She asked but when she saw my smile she took in a sharp breath: "You haven't!"
"I have!" I grinned and guided her out of the car.
"You didn't have to!" She said.
"But I wanted to!" I said blushing.
"Gosh. You're so cute! And you remembered!" She said happily.
"I'm not cute!" I pouted.
"You are!" Aubrey laughed.
"Nope. I'm not but let's not fight. Let's have a nice date." I said and Aubrey agreed.
We walked towards the end of the pier and stopped by the boat I've chosen for our date.
"Here we are." I said and held Aubrey back because she wanted to walk past the boat.
"This is beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here." She smiled.
"Of course I did. I know how much you wanted to go there." I said.
"You're such a cute girlfriend." She said and gave me a kiss.
"I'm not cute! But I can deal with it tonight." I laughed and kissed her back.
We entered the boat and sat on the table that was set for us. All around the boat and us were lights and it was already getting dark so it looked really nice. A waiter came towards us and asked what we wanted to drink. We ordered coke since we aren't allowed to drink alcohol. The waiter gave us the menu and we live over for something to eat.
"What do you want?" I asked as Aubrey was done looking through the menu.
"Uhm... Pasta with fish?" She said more in an asking voice.
"Sure. I wanted to take the same." I said and smiled at her. We ordered and then started talking. We just talked about random stuff like Barden, the Bellas & the ICCA's until our food arrived.
After it arrived we ate silent and only looked up sometimes to smile at each other.

As we were ready and the waiter took the plates a way I placed my hand on the table. Aubrey put hers in mine and smiled at me: "Thank you for this evening. It was awesome. And it's exactly what I once told you my dream date is. Thank you so much. I love you, Beca." She squeezed my hand and I squeezed hers back.
"That wasn't all." Smiled and Aubrey's eyes widened.
"What?" She asked surprised.
"Just come with me." I said and placed the money and some tip on the table.
Then I took her hand and went to the exit of the boat that has already been back to the pier.
"Where are we going?" Aubrey asked but I just smiled and continued dragging her behind me.
We walked for about five minutes until we reached a beach where no one was.
"Now it's your perfect date." I smiled and turned towards Aubrey. A single tear fell down her cheek and then she hugged me that tight that I couldn't even breathe.
"Thank you so much! For everything. For this perfect date! And for every single day with you! I love you, Beca!" She said  and kissed me. I kissed her back and said: "I love you too. And I'd do everything for you!"
--- I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update😔
I kinda didn't know how to write this chapter but I finally managed it...😁
Hope you like it☺️ & as always sorry for any mistakes😁
Thanks for reading ❤️ ---

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