chapter 1

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                       How It All Started

My name kayson, I was born in Watts LA that's where I grew up. This is the story of how I turned my life around and how I became one of the best lawyers in California.

22 years ago

"Ok class today we will be writing an essay about how this school year impacted you." My English teacher said. It was the last assignment of the year I chose not to do it cause I'm pretty sure it's not gonna help my grade. The last period on a Friday, I watched the clock until I decided to put my head down and fall asleep.


I was woken up by the bell. I grabbed my backpack and left the classroom waving the teacher goodbye. I met up  with my two best friends in the hallway Harlem and Brandon. Harlem was about 5'5, Mexican with dark brown eyes and black hair in a middle part. Brandon was  5'7 , light skinned with Hazel brown eyes and dark brown hair in a short curly afro. We were all neighbors and have been friends since we were 4 years old.

We had planned to go to the park today, So that's what we did. As we got to the park a black car with 5% tint on every window pulled up on the side of us the man on the passenger side rolled his window down and looked us up and down. He stared at my shoes and smirked." Aye blue shorts, what size them shoes is?" He said to me.

"Um a-a size 10.5 " I stuttered out. Even though I was a big kid standing at 5'9 and 182 pounds at only thirteen years old ,I was still scared because he could've had a gun or something . He laughed along with the person driving.

"Aye run that shit cuz." He demanded me while he got out of the car.

"B-But it's all I have." I said to him trying to defend myself. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me close to him.

"Aye cuz, what I say? You don't wanna die here now do you?" He yelled in my face. Before I could answer four men walked up dressed in black and red. One was unmasked the other three had red bandanas covering their face. I immediately recognized my big cousin Marcel , in the streets he was known as Boosie like the rapper.

"Yo blood, you know what hood you in?" The unmasked man saie to the man robbing me. The two men and Boosie pulled out guns , Boosie aimed at the man robbing me and the other 2 aimed at the guy in the car. The man let me go and death stared the unmasked man while getting back in the car.

" Watch yo back cuz." He said driving away.

"Yea okay!" The unmasked man said. Boosie walked over to me, grabbed my shoulder and pulled his bandana off his face.

" You good lil homie?" I nodded. "He ain't gon fuck with y'all again." He said looking at all of us.

"Yea that's right! Wassup y'all, how y'all doin?" The unmasked man asked.

"Sup." Me , Harlem , and Brandon said all  together. He nods.

"Ight my name boogy. I'm the leader of this hood . I run it." He said while shaking our hands. " Y'all got phone's?"

"Yea" Brandon said.

"Pull em out." When pulled out our phones and looked at him. "Imma give y'all my number. Call if y'all need anything." We all went to the phone app and he gave us his number.

"Ok thanks." I said grateful.

" No problem young blood. Don't forget always s return a favor." He said seriously and walked away with Boosie and the other two. I turned around and walked to one of the picnic tables and sat down on the table with Harlem and Brandon following.

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