chapter 4

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                                                                                   No going back

It's almost time for school to start back. Just about two weeks until we head back. We were working for boogy all summer. I learned a lot of things including  how to shoot a gun properly. things were going  well with him and the rest of the bounty hunters, but me and my mom were struggling.  there was no food but bread and milk and rent was 2 months past due.

I went over to the trap house to get some weed to sell for the day. that was my main stream of income every once in awhile I'll rob somebody or do a drive by for boogy , but mainly sitting around selling weed all day. that's all I sell because I refuse to be someone supplying a dope head parent, especially because my mom is a dope  head and if she saw me on a corner selling dope she'll probably ask me a to supply her for free.

I was standing on my corner with a ski mask on and a gun in my pocket.the day went smoothly I was on my last pack of weed and I was waiting for one last customer. It was 10:40 pm and 56 degrees outside , i was about to go home until I saw a all black suburban with heavily tented windows pull up next to me. 

"aye you sellin'?" he asked as he rolled down his window.

"yea." I replied.

I saw him grab something before he opened the door and hopped out the car. when he got out to my surprise he had a gun, immediately I grabbed  my gun and I then ran back to my shot him twice in the shoulder and leg. I then ran back to my house and hid the gun in a bag at the top of my closet.

I called boogy to tell him that I'll give him his half of the money tomorrow and something came up. he hung up on me with a threat but I ignored it because I never left him hangin'.

I fell asleep with out anything.

The next day

I was walking over to the trap house to give boogy his money. I was irritated with him because he was acting like I never payed him and I wasn't fuckin' with that. I felt disrespected by it but I didn't do anything because he made a lot of shit happened for me.

After that I went back home with the money I had and put it in a shoe box. I was saving for school supplies and clothes , about two more days of selling I will have enough. I was going to 8th grade so I really didn't need a lot , but I really wanted a spray ground this year  I was mainly saving for that.

I flopped on my bed, pulled out my phone and got on Instagram. Apparently there was a page for my school that was used to call out fades. And I seen a bunch of fights were about to go down on the first day. After a while of scrolling down the page I seen a post of the three dudes from the party calling me, Brandon and Harlem out. "These niggas gotta be stupid." I said.

I called the group chat between me , Brandon and Harlem. " aye y'all niggas see that post on the school call out page about us." I said laughing over the phone.

"Nah ,what it say?" Harlem asked.

"Yea, what it say?" Brandon asked following Harlem.

" the niggas from the party called us out saying they trynna run they ones." I said amused by it.

"What, them fools mad they got they asses beat?"Harlem asked laughing.

"On God , that's crazy." Brandon said as we all laughed over the phone.

"Anyways , y'all go school shopping yet?" Harlem asked.

"Nah , but don't school start like in two weeks?" Brandon asked.

" yea, it do." Harlem said.

" damn, I'm still working up the money to go." I said.

"Me too." They both said.

" how we gone get the money?" I asked.

" maybe ask boogy for another job?" Brandon suggested.

" can't we do something our own, like working for him was cool at first but threatening a nigga is weird." I said honestly.

" yea , but that's all we got he knows everywhere we can go to get some shit done though." Brandon said.

" all I know is we gotta make some fuckin' money one way or another." Harlem said.

" fuck it, it don't matter." I said giving up.

"Alright let me call him. Meet me at my house." Brandon said.

"Alright." Me and Harlem said. With that we all hung up. I let out a sigh and sat up, was irritated. I didn't fill like being bothered with boogy, like I said I felt disrespected by him. I grabbed my ski mask and black hoodie and made my way down the street to Brandon house.

As I got there Harlem was just getting there too. I dapped him up and knocked on the door. Brandon's dad answered he nodded at us and let us in. His dad was from Jamaica I didn't know he was there because he was usually at work in Carson.

We went inside to Brandon's room.we both dapped him up and I sat on his gaming chair while Harlem sat next to him on his bed. He was still on the phone with boogy, we couldn't hear what boogy was saying but Brandon was agreeing with everything he said. I go on my phone waiting for him to finish.

he finally got of the phone ad I turned mine of. "So what he say?" I asked.

"He said he got some for us and to meet him at the trap house tonight at 11:00." He said.

"Alright, so what we doing till then? Harlem asked.

"Shit I don't know. Jinx owe me a soda." Me and Brandon said in sync. Harlem laughed.

" yo , let's set up a three man with Kayla, Jocelyn and Ka'liyah." Harlem suggested.

" okay.jinx!" Me and Brandon said in sync again.

" why you copying me?" Asked Brandon.

"Nah, you copying me." I said.

" man, both of y'all shut up" Harlem said laughing. We all started laughing.

I had called Kayla, Brandon called Jocelyn and Harlem called Ka'liyah to ask them if they wanted to go to the mall. They all agreed and said they'll meet us there.

Once confirmed me and Harlem rushed home to get ready for the date. I got in the shower, lotion up and picked out my outfit. Decided to be simple and put on a white tee with some grey shorts, a hat and my white forces. I put a chain on and stayed some of my ocean breeze cologne on. I then grabbed my phone, AirPods , keys and left the house locking the door behind me.

We all decided to meet at Brandon again, which was stupid because we planned on riding the bus and Harlems house was closer to the bus stop. Once we all were ready we rushed to the bus stop cause the bus was on its way. We got there just as the bus was arriving.

We continued to ride the bus until we got to the mall. We went in next to the movie theatre and called the girls each to see where they were.

After finding out where they were we all met up at panda express to eat. We all sat at different tables so nothing will be awkward.

"So how you been?" I asked Kayla as I began to eat.

" I've been good, you know just been chilling mainly nothing much." She said answering me.

" same here. So what you wanna do today?"

"Let's go to the arcade or bowling." She said excitedly. I smiled and nodded.

"Ok we can do that. what about a movie?" I suggested.

"Yea we can do that too. We'll all meet at the movie theater and watch a movie together." She said. I agreed and continued to eat my food her doing the same. We sat there for a while and scrolled through tiktok together.

When we finished eating we let everyone one know the plan and picked out a movie. We all agreed to meet at the movie theater around 5:30 for the movie showing at 6 o'clock. With that we separated and me and Kayla went to the arcade.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2024 ⏰

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